Speakers List 2012
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Professor of Management Practice, London Business School and founder of the Hot Spots Movement.
Foto by Lukas Kroulik
Lynda Gratton is Professor of Management Practice at London Business School and is the founder of the Hot Spots Movement. She has written seven books and numerous academic articles and is considered one of the world's authorities on people in organizations.
In 2011 she has been ranked by The Times as one of the top 15 Business Thinkers in the world today and in 2008 The Financial Times selected her as the business thinker most likely to make a real difference over the next decade. She was also in the top two of the Human Resources Magazine's "HR Top 100: Most Influential" poll, and last year Lynda was number one of Human Resources Magazine's “Top 25 HR Most Influential UK Thinkers 2011” poll.
Professor Gratton’s book Living Strategy, originally published in 2000, has been translated into more than 15 languages and rated by US CEOs as one of the most important books of the year. Her book, The Democratic Enterprise, was described by Financial Times as a work of important scholarship and has provided a fascinating insight into how companies will change over the coming decades.
Lynda has received a number of awards for her research and writing. For example, in 2002, her article “Integrating the Enterprise,” which examined cooperative strategies, was awarded the MIT Sloan Management Review best article of the year. Her 2005 case study of BP’s peer assist integration practices won the ECC Best Strategy Case of the year award and went on to win the best case of the year. Her book, published in 2007 is Hot Spots – why some teams, workplaces and organizations buzz with energy and others don’t, focused on bringing innovation and energy to organizations. The book has already been translated into more than 10 languages and the Financial Times rated it as one of the most important business books of 2007; and her book for 2009 was Glow: how to bring energy and innovation to your life. Her latest book The Shift - about the future of work was published in 2011.
Lynda actively advises companies around the world and sits on the advisory board of Royal Bank of Scotland. In 2006 she founded the Hot Spots Movement. Since that time the Hot Spots Movement has become the focus of a global community of many thousands of people all of whom share a passion for bringing energy and innovation to people at work. The movement has engaged with many companies including ARM, BT, Fujitsu, Generali, Philips and Unilever. Lynda is currently engaged with her colleagues on research commissioned by the Singapore Government to examine innovation and team performance across 10 companies in the country and to draw up recommendations for the government.
Professor Gratton was appointed a Senior Fellow of the UK's Advanced Institute of Management Practice in 2004. In 2006 she was the founding director of the Lehman Centre for Women in Business at the London Business School and as such directed a number of important research programs on work, life balance; women's routes to the top and the attitudes and aspirations of Gen Y. Now, in 2010 Lynda was elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Human Resources.
Her current research is focused on the future of work where she directs a consortium of over 20 companies from across the world. You can follow the progress on www.lyndagrattonfutureofwork.com
Her website can be visited at: www.lyndagratton.com
Visit: www.hotspotsmovement.com for further information about the Hot Spots Movement.