The human dimension
Building human-centric organizations in an emerging Africa
Nairobi, virtual 12:00 – 18:00 EAT
East Africa Management & Innovation Forum
The East Africa Management & Innovation Forum (EAMIF) is an opportunity to learn what business leaders and management thinkers consider most important about managing in the midst of disruptive events, technological transformation and an increasingly knowledge-based economy.
East Africa has pursued a distinct way of advancing digital technology and offers an exciting opportunity through the leapfrogging of industrialisation, its fast-growing increasingly urbanised population and its rapid technological advancements, making it a fertile arena for innovation.
The Forum is organised and hosted by Career Connections, in partnership with the Global Peter Drucker Forum (GPDF) and ECOTEC GmbH.
Free livestream:
MAY 12
How to compete when industries digitize and collide.
Executive Breakfast at the Ivy Club
9 West Street, London , WC2H 9NE
Thursday 12 May 2022 I 8:00 – 10:00 BST - Invitation only
Michael Jacobides
Chair of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, London Business School
Michael is an acclaimed advisor, speaker, and Sir Donald Gordon Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Professor of Strategy at London Business School. He was recently recognized by Thinkers50 as one of the world’s top 50 management thinkers, and a finalist for their Strategy Award. His research looks at how the digital revolution reshapes firms, sectors and ecosystems. He will share his latest work on how the dramatic growth of digitalization, and platforms connecting different actors are transforming the way firms organize and compete.
with an introduction by
Richard Straub
Founder and Executive President of the Drucker Forum
CHROs Gala CAC40
Invitation only
of top French corporations
with Marcus Buckingham (author of Love + Work)

Should business be more authentic?
Personal invitation from Emergn
in partnership with Global Peter Drucker Forum
Please join us for an Executive Breakfast featuring Alice Sherwood, author of Authenticity: Reclaiming Realityin a Counterfeit Culture, and Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the Policy Institute at King’s College London.
The session will be moderated by Adrian Wooldridge, global business columnist for Bloomberg Opinion.
The Berlin Way of Entrepreneurship
Der Entrepreneurship Summit findet in diesem Jahr in zwei Teilen statt:
6.10. ONLINE
22./23.10. ANALOG in Berlin
Mit über 100 Expertinnen aus allen Bereichen des Entrepreneurship zeigen wir, dass Ökonomie anders, besser geht. Auf dem Entrepreneurship Summit 2022 wollen wir gemeinsam mit Dir neue kreative, ökonomische Wege gehen. Gemeinsam setzen wir uns ein für eine anderes Wertesystem, welches mehr Transparenz, weniger Marketingverschwendung, und klar definierte ökologische Ziele verspricht: Entrepreneurship for everyone.
Prof. Gerald Hüther (Hirnforscher), Florian Langenscheidt (Verleger, Autor), Dr. Joana Breidenbach (betterplace, new work needs inner work), Saskia Bruysten (Yunus Social Business), Josef Zotter (ZOTTER Schokolade) und viele mehr.
Leadership Conference
organisiert von Management Club und dem Global Peter Drucker Forum
Montag, 17.10.2022
Streitfall ESG - Braucht es neue Wege?
Unternehmen zwischen wirtschaftlicher Performance und Verantwortung für Umwelt und Gesellschaft
„Leistung ist der wichtigste Test für das Management.“ (Peter Drucker)
Zu diesem Thema begrüßen wir hochkarätige Speaker:innen am Podium:
Thomas Arnoldner CEO der A1 Telekom Austria Group (Moderator)
Annette Mann CEO der Austrian Airlines
Antonella Mei-Pochtler ehemalige Sonderbeauftragte des Bundeskanzlers
Norbert Zimmermann Hauptaktionär der Berndorf AG
OCTOBER 19 – 20
Prestigio Leadership Forum 2022
The event will be fully bilingual, Spanish and English, and 100% virtual.
Durante dos días, te invitamos a escuchar a más de 15 speakers de talla mundial. Nuestro equipo de I+D se ha encargado de curar y articular cada una de las sesiones que incluirán un kit de herramientas al final de cada sesión que ayudarán a crear una comunidad empoderada desde el ser.
Marketing Changes to Meet Sustainability Goals
November 6 + 7 – Professional ticket holders session
The World Marketing Summit (WMS)
The World Marketing Summit (WMS) is an independent global organization committed to “Creating a Better World through Marketing”. World Marketing Summit is a brainchild of the Father of Modern Marketing, Philip Kotler. WMS unites some of the most innovative minds from corporate, public, non-profit and academic spheres to explore ways to integrate marketing solutions with action to tackle socio-economic issues. WMS aims to initiate global movements through marketing strategies that lead to a positive impact on society and on the lives of future generations.
eWMS, is the online World Marketing Summit as new challenges required new solutions.
with a keynote by Richard Straub, Founder and Executive President of the Drucker Forum
"From Start-up to Scale-up in turbulent times"
corporAID side event at the 14th Global Peter Drucker Forum 2022 in Vienna
November 16th, 4:30 to 6:30 pm and online via youtube
How can African start-ups, despite their less favourable conditions - compared to industrialised nations - successfully scale-up? What is the African "secret of success“? The corporAID Multilogue "From Start-up to Scale-up in turbulent times" highlights these African success factors of emerging start-ups and shows how Austrian companies can learn from these approaches.
Simone Ahuja: Fortune 500 Top Speaker, Bestseller Author and co-creator of the "Jugaad" innovation method.
Antonella Mei-Pochtler: Patron of the "Kofi Annan Award for Innovation in Africa" and founder of the Boston Consulting Group office in Vienna
MyPaddi: Nigerian scale-up in the health sector and winner of the "Kofi Annan Award for Innovation in Africa 2022".
Yacine Djibo: Founder of Speak-up Africa; political and advocacy initiative/action tank working to promote leadership, facilitate policy change and raise awareness for sustainable development in Africa.
Umdasch Group Venture: Austrian corporate spin-off invested in start-ups worldwide
Women in Tech Carnival
Tech for her, Tech by her, Tech with her
Initiative / Workshop / Interview series
November 16, 14:00 - 17:55 CET
Huawei advocates for gender equality and works to promote women's participation in the ICT industry and digital economy. To better push forward progress, Huawei officially launched our Women in Tech initiative in 2020 to make "Tech for Her, Tech by Her, and Tech with Her" a reality. This year, we are releasing the company’s first Interview Series “Tech by her: Leadership” on our Women in Tech carnival event during the Peter Drucker Forum.