SEPT. 12

Iberoamerican Leadership Forum 2024

Online event

7:00 PT | 10:00 ET | 15:00 BST | 16:00 CEST

The Iberoamerican Leadership Forum 2024 invites leaders across Latin America to be part of an active community, rethink leadership and generate more individual and collective value. Our goal: a new leadership for Latin America.

With the academic curatorship and leadership of Eduardo P. Braun, Ambassador of the Global Peter Drucker Forum and former Conference Chair, the event offers the opportunity to get inspired by a broad line-up of speakers who will discuss today's crucial issues: psychological safety for innovation, creativity and innovation mindset, inner activism for outer change, inner development, and team-based innovation management, among others

Johan Roos, Senior Advisor, Peter Drucker Society Europe, will present the 16th Global Peter Drucker Forum and will discuss “The Next Knowledge Work: Managing for New Levels of Value Creation and Innovation”.



World Management Agility Forum

The World Management Agility Forum is a unique conference dedicated to understanding how management itself is ALREADY been re-imagined and how digital transformation is changing everything. Management and organizational change is based on the idea that traditional management practices are outdated and inadequate for the current business scenario. We need a more agile, customer-centric and adaptive management approach that allows organizations to thrive in an increasingly complex and uncertain world.

Our mission is to inspire a global shift  in management thinking.


OCT. 12+13, BERLIN

More with Less - Entrepreneurship in the Age of Overshooting Resources

Yes, we have the chance to create a better world. More lovingly, more sensitively than has ever been possible before. But we have to get it going ourselves, step into the ring ourselves, do it ourselves.

Let us take action. As self-confident entrepreneurs, acting frugally but with a view to the future. More modestly when it comes to the use of resources. More demanding when it comes to a successful life.

October 13th is a memorable date. On this day we received the news that the Nobel Peace Prize would be awarded to Muhammad Yunus. Prof. Muhammad Yunus has agreed to celebrate this anniversary with us at the next summit.

We look forward to contributions from Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Prof. Maja Göpel, Prof. Harald Welzer, to keynotes, workshops, impulse groups, discussion rounds and, as always, with over 1000 participants, to many informal meetings and personal conversations.







Managing for Social Impact

Sustainable and Ethical Leadership in the times of turbulence

09:30 HKT / 03:30 CET

Join us at the forthcoming conference on “Managing for Social Impact” April 12, 2024, jointly organized by The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong and MLA Academy, where we will explore the crucial question: “What is the purpose of business?” In a world characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), it is essential to challenge the assumptions that underpin our existing paradigms and theories.

Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, asserts that the purpose of business is to create customer by doing the right thing. At the conference, we will delve into the concept and practices of human-centered management that integrate wealth creation, human fulfilments and social concerns, to address pressing issues such as climate crisis, social inequality, ethical governance (ESG) and sustainability concerns.

In these turbulent times, the future relies on visionary leadership and the unwavering commitment, convictions, and integrity of individuals. Join us at the Conference to meet management gurus and leaders, gain insights, exchange ideas and shape the role of future management and leadership in society. Together, we can create a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Register at below link for online broadcast access to the all-day Conference at free-of-charge:
For conference details:


14:50 HKT / 08:50 CET
Dialogue: The Paradoxical Balance between “Doing Well” and “Doing Good”
Key note and dialogue with Richard Straub, Founder and President of the Global Peter Drucker Forum and Prof. Peter Ping Li, Professor of Chinese Business Studies at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.


Reframing Management for the 21st Century

by invitation only

What changes must we make today for successful leadership and knowledge work tomorrow?

Business management is in the throes of a historic transition, one being fast-forwarded by AI. How can we go from a model inherited from the industrial age, to one that is fit for purpose for the digital 21st century? As Peter Drucker emphasized, you need to be careful what you abandon and very thoughtful what the “next practices” will be – balancing continuity and change.

The transition process is in full swing, but it needs to be fully understood and guided. The Next Management initiative launched by the Global Peter Drucker Forum is one of the catalysts in this process. So we are especially excited to host management thinkers from the Drucker Forum in Vilnius.

Panel 1: The Next Management – Human Performance in an Artificial Intelligence Era
Panel 1 focuses on freeing the practice of management from its industrial age roots. Especially in the public sector, we observe a doubling down on old-style bureaucratic approaches which are now simply “enhanced” by digital tech and AI. How can management be transformed to address the opportunities and complexities of the modern world?

Panel 2: The Next Workforce – Reinventing Knowledge Work
How do advances in digital technology and artificial intelligence reshape an individual’s productivity? Collaboration? Innovation and value creation?
With Richard Straub, founder and president of the Global Peter Drucker Forum



What contract do you want to hear today? Imagine the EBIT EXECUTIVES CONFERENCE as a unique convention.
We gather here as separate voices that become one at a time choir - each with their own unique voice and timbre, ready to create special and unique harmony. Two days when we will all be performers, each one contributing to the overall melody, adding to the richness of the piece and complexity. EXECUTIVES CONFERENCE EBIT is not solo performance, it is a depth created by different voices, where each voice complements the overall work with exceptional notes. We hope that conference speakers will introduce new themes and variations, we challenge with complex rhythms, will inspire us to combine our voices and search for new sounds. We are sure that mutual discussions will contribute new notes and chords inviting you to listen, to adapt and when the turn comes, to contribute. Let our time spent together become a contract of ideas, in which the echoes of the debate will inspire innovation, growth and harmony in ours too in professional and personal life. Let's all create one together EBIT that reverberates long after it's played the last note of this year's conference! Welcome back, welcome to join!


Gala Dîner du Club HR Executive

By invitation only

We will have the honor of receiving Frédéric Genta, Minister in charge of attractiveness, development and digital transformation of the Principality of Monaco.

The theme of our dinner: how the global strategy (of a company, of a country) is impacted by the development of the organization in project mode and by the meteoric growth of digital technologies, including of course generative AI ? Frédéric Genta benefits from his Google experience (the company undoubtedly the most advanced in terms of organization in project mode) to include Monaco in this active approach: remaining globally coherent in an increasingly changing and disruptive world. He will share with us his observations, his approaches, his projects, his obstacles, his actions to create and develop a dynamic evolution of a collective organization.