New Management for new Times
by Richard Straub

Anyone knowledgeable about management is well aware of the power of “disruptive innovation”—Clay Christensen’s term for how long-established and well-resourced enterprises can be upended by creative competitors focused on delivering more value to their customer bases. What many do not yet recognize, however, is that management itself—the whole set of rules and tools by which organizations are professionally run—is also in the process of being disrupted.[…]

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A Narrative for The Next Management
by Richard Straub and Julia Kirby

We are in the midst of a “poly-crisis” – a broad-based failure of institutions – all of them suffering loss of performance in a complex and unpredictable world, and all experiencing an erosion of trust. “Business” as a sector is holding up relatively better, perhaps because people believe it is kept in line by competitive forces and a grounding in reality rather than ideology. […]

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The Next Knowledge Work: How can innovation and value creation be managed?
by Sylwia Sysko-Romańczuk

Peter Drucker aptly noted, “The most valuable asset of a 21st-century institution, whether business or non-business, will be its knowledge workers and their productivity.”  Following him, Richard Straub – President of the Peter Drucker Society – claims that knowledge has become the most critical resource in the modern economy, surpassing even physical assets in importance. Managing knowledge work and knowledge workers is pivotal for fostering innovation and creating new value. This shift is driven by several transformative changes, including the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), remote work, and collaborative platforms. To navigate these changes effectively, organizations need to adopt new management practices that prioritize the productivity and creativity of knowledge workers. […]

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The 3 C’s of Sustainable Innovation
by Jayshree Seth

Innovation has lost most of its potency through rampant misuse and overuse. Now is the time for innovation to return to its roots — ideas with real impact. The world needs sustainable innovation that considers the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit – products services, processes, or business models that create long-term value by balancing economic, social, and environmental considerations. […]

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A Narrative for The Next Management
by Richard Straub and Julia Kirby

We are in the midst of a “poly-crisis” – a broad-based failure of institutions – all of them suffering loss of performance in a complex and unpredictable world, and all experiencing an erosion of trust. “Business” as a sector is holding up relatively better, perhaps because people believe it is kept in line by competitive forces and a grounding in reality rather than ideology. […]

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New Management for new Times
by Richard Straub

Anyone knowledgeable about management is well aware of the power of “disruptive innovation”—Clay Christensen’s term for how long-established and well-resourced enterprises can be upended by creative competitors focused on delivering more value to their customer bases. What many do not yet recognize, however, is that management itself—the whole set of rules and tools by which organizations are professionally run—is also in the process of being disrupted.[…]

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How AI Tools Can Boost Your Innovative Performance
by Curt Carlson and Milena Milićević

At the Drucker Forum 2023, Curt Carlson, former CEO of SRI International in Silicon Valley, participated in an Interactive Value Creation Workshop with Isabella Mader, CEO of Excellence Institute, and Kalina Deng, VP at Snipp Interactive. They discussed how AI tools, and a value-creation framework can boost innovation initiatives. Here, Carlson is in an edited conversation with Milena Milićević, a digital transformation consultant and 2nd place winner of the Drucker Challenge Essay in 2016.[…]

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Navigating the Digital Future: Cyber Resilience in the Age of Information Overload
by Sylwia Sysko-Romańczuk

As we enter the digital era, where technology and data are undergoing enormous changes, the conversation surrounding cyber resilience has evolved from a specialised worry to a necessity that applies to everyone. This crucial topic was brought to the forefront during the recent Deep Dive Dialogue at the Global Peter Drucker Forum 2023. The event featured luminaries such as Rebecca Kerr, Thomas Arnoldner, and Helmut Reisinger, highlighting the joint effort to protect our digital infrastructure.[…]

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