New Management for new Times
by Richard Straub

Anyone knowledgeable about management is well aware of the power of “disruptive innovation”—Clay Christensen’s term for how long-established and well-resourced enterprises can be upended by creative competitors focused on delivering more value to their customer bases. What many do not yet recognize, however, is that management itself—the whole set of rules and tools by which organizations are professionally run—is also in the process of being disrupted.[…]

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A Narrative for The Next Management
by Richard Straub and Julia Kirby

We are in the midst of a “poly-crisis” – a broad-based failure of institutions – all of them suffering loss of performance in a complex and unpredictable world, and all experiencing an erosion of trust. “Business” as a sector is holding up relatively better, perhaps because people believe it is kept in line by competitive forces and a grounding in reality rather than ideology. […]

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Next Leadership for a Human-Networked and AI- Powered World
by Lei Wang and Yavnika Khanna

The promise of AI for enterprise is that the tools help to simplify manual work and run large scale data analysis. It frees up time for leaders to focus on what matters. How will this change the role of leaders in our organizations? 

Lei Wang, the first Asian woman to climb the Seven Summits and complete the Explorers Grand Slam, frequently faces tough terrain, wild weather and fear of failure while trying to conquer the world’s highest peaks. In these tricky situations, does she use AI tools to help her make the right decisions in split seconds? She believes even though AI could, it’s important to trust your judgment, rely on your team, and use your training and experience to make quick, smart decisions.[…]

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Why Reframing Management for a Post-AI World is The Answer
by Terence Mauri

At the close of the 15th Annual Global Drucker Forum in Vienna, last November, Forum President Richard Straub announced the launch of “The Next Management,”  emphasizing the new mindsets and practices required for improved performance in a fast-changing world, and why today’s leaders demand courage and humility to ask “What’s emerging, enduring and eroding for leadership in a post-AI world?”[…]

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Knowledge in the Age of AI
by David Weinberger

2,400 years ago, Socrates argued that the “justified true belief” (JTB) theory of knowledge that is still popular today was not adequate. He agreed that knowledge was a type of belief, and that it had to be a true belief if it were to count as knowledge. But if you’re just guessing and your guess happens to be correct, that can’t count as knowledge. Rather, you have to have a good set of reasons — a justification — for that belief. […]

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The Druckerian Method: Towards a Self-Managed Education for the Next Economy
by Chukwuebuka Ozoani (NG)

This essay has attempted to answer questions about education, the self, and the economy. Divided into three parts—Dialogos, Diagramas, and Discourses—it alludes to Galileo Galilei’s famous books, in which he outlined his ideas about the model of the known universe. As an homage to Da Vinci, I have made the illustrations herein myself. For Socrates, I have centered the entirety of this essay on his timeless axiom ‘Know Thyself’ because I understand the advantages of doing so. I am also aware of how dangerous it can be to urge young people to think for themselves. But, no matter what happens, I believe that if I am ever served the hemlock,¹ then this endeavor will have succeeded.[…]

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The most human Experience. Emotional relationships, sense of belonging and inclusion, and entrepreneurial approach – 3D model of the Next Education
by Kateryna Rybalochka (GB)

It’s 2023. Occupied village in the east of Ukraine. A 15-year-old boy rashly climbs the highest hill. He is not trying to catch the signal to contact relatives or get any information about the current situation on the front line. This time he desperately tries to connect to a Zoom lesson at his school. Finally, he connects. The teacher is shocked and worried. Connecting to the Ukrainian class from Russia-occupied territories is extremely risky and could be life-threatening if he gets caught.  
Why would he risk it? There is obviously no punishment for missing the class.[…]

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Rethinking the Annual Performance Review: Knowledge Sharing, Innovation, and Value Creations with Constructive Dialogue vs. Discussion
by Herb Nold and Lukas Michel

While over 95% of organizations report that they conduct annual reviews with their employees (Willmes, 2018), there is growing concern about the usefulness of ‘such bureaucratic rituals’ in a world where new knowledge is the primary driver of value creation through innovation. We use the term ‘contribution dialogue’ to represent a replacement process. Others use terms like leadership dialogue, employee review, target setting and review, feedback meeting, performance dialogue and others to explain similar processes. […]

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Reflecting on Resilience and the Next Management
by Ekin Ilseven

In the late afternoon of December 1, 2023, in the Hofburg Palace of Vienna, the Global Peter Drucker Forum committed itself to the pursuit of a new management paradigm, “The Next Management”, over the next five years. It came at the end of an eventful three-day Forum dedicated to Creativity and Resilience, where not only practicing or academic thought leaders, but also the younger generation and artists took the stage. […]

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