In the midst of the perfect storm, driven by a global pandemic and the concomitant economic crisis, managers have to deal with an abundance of challenges popping up day to day. “No time for strategy and planning” is a frequently overheard claim in executive offices and boardrooms these days. Many leaders like to address the pandemic as a “Black Swan”. A nice try to excuse oneself from thorough and critical thinking[…]
Continue readingLeadership Everywhere Means Reversed Leadership by Jane McConnell
Reversed leadership makes organizations more resilient. The need for resilience has never been greater than now. As Peter Drucker said, “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” How can management go beyond yesterday’s logic? By practicing reversed leadership[…]
Continue readingCovid-19 and the Hazards of Experts by Rod Collins
One of the most important developments in the field of psychology is the discovery that the workings of human thinking often enable inefficient and sometimes irrational expert judgments. Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky observed that the human brain is a paradox. While it is capable of producing highly developed analytical and creative intelligence, it is also prone to make apparently senseless errors[…]
Continue readingLeadership Everywhere: A Job to Be Done by Alex Adamopoulos
This year’s Drucker Forum abstract, Proclaiming the Century of Leadership, shares one of Drucker’s most famous quotes – “management is doing things right, but leadership is doing the right things”[…]
Continue readingA wake-up call for humane leadershipby Vlatka Hlupic
This was the year everything changed. A tiny virus, arguably not even a life form, had a bigger global economic impact than the banking collapses a decade earlier. Ways of working have been transformed. Remote working has gone from being a fringe activity mostly confined to globally dispersed teams, to being accepted as the norm across whole sections of the economy. Sectors such as hospitality and aviation have suffered sharp falls in business, furloughed staff and redundancies[…]
Continue readingAlexander Hamilton invented the modern CEO. We should learn from Sebastian Woller
In our time of crisis, Alexander Hamilton might be perceived as a rather unusual example to learn about executive leadership. He is best associated with the US Coast Guard, the US Mint, the Report on Manufactures, and paving the path for the American Constitution. But, In addition, he also created a new kind of job; the Presidency.[…]
Continue readingProvocation #2 Live with the virus
Might there soon be a medical breakthrough that eradicates COVID-19 from the face of the earth? In that case humankind will declare victory and move on. Or the pandemic might unleash new waves across the world, forcing stricter lockdowns and cratering economies beyond repair. More likely perhaps is that contagion will continue, and the world’s societies resolve to live with the risk in ways they have not considered so far. What will that compromise look like?[…]
Continue readingWhat does leadership look like in the new world order? by Gina Lodge
Peter Drucker’s wisdom and experience endures both through the current crisis and the rebuilding going forward. The world is in a period of great uncertainty, and although being caught in the eye of the storm feels like a unique experience, there is always another one brewing[…]
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