Management is about controlling, administering, and planning. It is a centuries old discipline derived from the need to control a
Continue readingThe Death of the Manager: The Rise of the Enabler
Technology Will Make Us Human Again
by John Hagel
As technology transforms our economy, one trend is getting more and more attention: the prospect that it will increasingly automate
Continue readingInnovation: shifting the balance of power
by Marc Wagner
Few topics currently arouse such intensive discussion as the innovative capacity of German companies. It seems that likely nations such
Continue readingManagement – the human dimension
Stefan Stern
Management, Peter Drucker famously said, is a liberal art. It may be informed by data and enhanced by technology. But
Continue readingThree Principles to Bring the Best New Ideas to Life
Philip Black
If someone in your organization has a great idea today, how long will it take for your customers to know
Continue readingManageable and Unmanageable Managing
by Henry Mintzberg
Imagine managing cheese products in India for a global food company, or running a general hospital in Montreal under the
Continue readingDigital! Enabler or influencing us: How human are our influencers?
Ananthanarayanan V
It’s the 4th Industrial Revolution. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are here. With today’s information overload, even living in the
Continue readingOrganisation or talent : Comments on Ulrich
by Friedberg Erhard
In their recent book “Victory through Organization, Why the War for Talent is Failing your Company and What You Can
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