Resilience and lean, just-in-time management
by Erhard Friedberg

In their well-known book A Behavioral Theory of the Firm, R. Cyert and J. March (1963) [1] proposed the notion of ā€œorganizational slackā€, a notion central to their understanding of the firm as a coalition of competing and yet interdependent actors. This refers to (hidden) reserves (or redundancies) of resources which enable actors to escape the constraints that management imposes on their behavior in order to align and, possibly, optimize their performance with the overall objectives of the firm. [ā€¦]

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Embrace the emerging AI technology
by Johan Roos

The debate about ChatGPT has swept across the world like a storm, with hundreds of millions of users overwhelming OpenAI’s servers. Many people are both terrified and wowed by the new artificial intelligence (AI) tools, which seem to shake the very foundation of many sectors that were thought to be the last to be automated. Sectors such as education, art and design, and many others that rely on human creativity, critical thinking, and communication, are all being impacted by these tools.[ā€¦]

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