Rethinking the Annual Performance Review: Knowledge Sharing, Innovation, and Value Creations with Constructive Dialogue vs. Discussion
by Herb Nold and Lukas Michel

While over 95% of organizations report that they conduct annual reviews with their employees (Willmes, 2018), there is growing concern about the usefulness of ‘such bureaucratic rituals’ in a world where new knowledge is the primary driver of value creation through innovation. We use the term ‘contribution dialogue’ to represent a replacement process. Others use terms like leadership dialogue, employee review, target setting and review, feedback meeting, performance dialogue and others to explain similar processes. […]

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Build resilience as your organization grows
by Lukas Michel and Herb Nold

You know the situation. You have seemingly done nothing different, but suddenly notice that your leadership is less effective, your culture signals infections, and your management system keeps you busy rather than serving your business. It is very likely that these are the early symptoms of a systemic crisis that is about to hit your organization. That crisis is a natural part of your growth cycle.[…]

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