Setting the scene: the Drucker Challenge Online Community Event
The 14th Peter Drucker Challenge – the popular annual essay contest for students, managers and entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 35 – is now welcoming entries. The scene for year’s topic – "Bouncing Back: Emerging Stronger After Setbacks” – was set by an enticing online community event on April 27, featuring transformation expert Professor Behnam Tabrizi of Stanford University, at which previous Challenge laureates and mentors provided hints on composing winning entries and shared the transformative effect of the "Vienna/Drucker Forum experience."
Access the full recording of the event for free here.
Wondering what to write on? Consider what you and your organization have been through in the past few years.
How they came through the experience isn’t just a matter of the size of the challenge. It is also about internal resilience. Use your essay entry to tell us of inspiring examples of resilience that you have seen, and how they did it. Describe how peers, colleagues or leaders responded to the toughest times. How could they – and we – build greater capability not only to face future setbacks, but to come out stronger for the next storm?
You could share a personal story to inspire others. Or address broader themes: How does culture or age affect resilience? Is the new generation of managers and leaders more or less resilient, and why? How much does experience count? Can resilience be learned and taught?
Finally, taking the long view, is this really a time of greater change than in the past? How important are individual and organizational resilience in the overall management scheme of things?
Read more about Drucker Challenge eligibility, guidelines, and prizes:
The Peter Drucker Challenge Team
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