The Global Peter Drucker Forum 2011 on November 3 and 4 was a great success. We have received very positive feed-back from participants and the media regarding speakers, content, organization and location. The video documentation is now available (see below).

The Global Peter Drucker Forum 2012 Forum will take place on November 15 and 16 in Vienna. Theme for 2012 will be "Capitalism 2.0". In a turbulent world with huge transformations under way, systemic changes in our economic and social fabric will be required to address these unprecedented challenges. Managers have a key role in accompanying and shaping the transformation towards an improved capitalist system, where market driven efficiency and the concern for a functioning society are better aligned.

In case you intend to participate in the 2012 Forum, please send a mail to Sylvie Herman so that we can ensure that you are being informed about the key preparatory steps towards the Forum.

Visit the new Drucker Forum Website with full Documentation online

At the occasion of the 2011 Forum we have proudly announced our new Drucker Forum Website and we invite you to visit it. Much of the Forum Documentation is online by now on this website. You will find the videos by speaker under http://bit.ly/uqXK5r – you will enjoy brilliant speeches from Doris Drucker, Charles Handy, Rakesh Khuran, Mark Kramer, Julia Middleton, Adrian Wooldridge and many others. Under this link please find an article by Stefan Stern summarizing his perspective on the Forum.

Stay updated in real time via Twitter @GDruckerForum

As we advance towards strengthening the community we will use Twitter to communicate real time about the preparation of the 2012 Forum providing information relating to the theme, speakers and the program. Please join us at @GDruckerForum. In case of questions please contact Jean-Alexis Spitz, our social media and community manager.

I would like to conclude with a quote from a great supporter and mentor of the Drucker Society – Charles Handy, who has just received the lifetime achievement award from Thinkers50. "I go to many conferences, but the Drucker Forums have been consistently the most interesting. The participants come from all around the world and a great variety of organizations, but the bonus is that they are all linked by a common interest in the ideas of Peter Drucker."

On behalf of the Peter Drucker Society Team I wish you and your families Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Best regards

Richard Straub
President Peter Drucker Society Europe