What is the main obstacle to creating “inclusive prosperity”?
The first of 2 blogs by Prabhu Guptara

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To answer that question, a niggling matter needs to be resolved first: the impression created by many individuals, organisations and agencies is that “prosperity” is already becoming more “inclusive”; is that, in fact, so? That question has two most likely alternative answers, dependent on whether the respondent likes to the look at the top of society or at the bottom of society. “Yes, prosperity is becoming more inclusive” Those who like to make that response like to look at the bottom of society, and point out that our global system has reduced absolute poverty by half since the year 2000. But if a human being who couldn’t have even one square meal a day earlier […]

“Take me to your leader”
Tammy Erickson interviewed by Peter Day

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Tammy Erickson is an author, expert on leadership and work, and an Adjunct Professor, Organisational Behaviour, at London Business School. She is the founder and CEO of Tammy Erickson Associates, a firm dedicated to helping clients build intelligent organizations. She tells Peter Day what’ss wrong with the traditional idea of leadership, and how leadership is about asking the right questions, rather than command and control. And she talks about the need for “spontaneous coordination”.

Prosperity and Learning; Two Sides of the Same Coin?
by Alex Adamopoulos

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“Poverty has slain its thousands but prosperity its tens of thousands” Variations of this quote have appeared for over a century. The quote comes from a book written in 1822 and it was used in a slightly different variation on July 8, 1896 in a speech given by William Jennings Bryan. Bryan was a leader of the Democratic party and served as Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson. Bryan’s speech, the Cross of Gold, is known as perhaps the most famous and the most effective speech ever delivered at a national party convention on the topic of a monetary plank – in other words, how all things related to money are best managed for the […]

The Inclusive Organization and the Reachability Factor
by Jane McConnell

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What is reachability for an organization? It means people anywhere in the organization can be contacted directly and individually. People can communicate and interact with others beyond their physical workplace. It means ideas and initiatives that originate in one place can reach across the organization, to all interested people. When there is a problem to solve, a challenge to confront, all people in the organization can contribute ideas. From a small company with a few teleworkers to a large, global organization with thousands of people around the world, reachability is a pre-requisite for inclusiveness. Most organizations do not have sufficient reachability and are therefore limited in their ability to be truly inclusive. This is a […]

“Global rights and wrongs”
Allyson Stewart Allen interviewed by Peter Day

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Allyson Stewart-Allen is a Californian who now lives and works in London where she is the founder and chief executive of a consultancy called International Marketing Partners. She a specialist in globalisation and its impacts, and author of the book Working with Americans. She tells Peter Day about the snags and possibilities companies may encounter in the global world.  

A Lifetime Opportunity for Entrepreneurs
by Janka Krings-Klebe, Joachim Heinz and Jörg Schreiner

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What did Jeff Bezos do in 2002 to turn Amazon into the business ecosystem that it is today? He discovered how to scale his operations very fast, across multiple markets, and how to follow up on business opportunities and customer needs across industries with blinding speed. Today, companies worldwide scramble to copy Amazons explosive growth and diversified business. In the following, we will outline how to do it, and do it in such a way that it leads to broader prosperity and innovation for society: A lifetime opportunity for entrepreneurs. Digitalization today increasingly dissolves the borders between industries and markets. The accelerating market dynamic means that businesses can no longer afford to bet their income […]