Why it’s time to bring back –and modernize– government
by Carlota Perez

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Government lag When Ronald Reagan said in the 1980s that “government is the problem”, he was right in only one sense: that the specific policies that were designed to enable the full deployment of the mass production revolution were inadequate for dealing with its exhaustion and decline. In fact, government did not yet know – and indeed could not know – how to deal with the emerging information revolution. It was true, as Schumpeter would have said, that unfettered free markets were better suited for the period of experimentation with new Silicon Valley technologies; and open competition was more likely to persuade the old industry giants to modernize with computers and take-up the new organizational […]

Humanity at a Crossroads
by Charles Handy

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We cannot let technology, however advanced, replace humanity with all its sensitivities, it’s appreciations of love, beauty and nature, it’s need for affection, sympathy and purpose, it’s hopes and fears, intuitions, imagination and leaps of faith.  Technology, even AI, in all its possibilities, can never replicate these. We must not let the demands of economic man/woman dominate our fuller humanity.  AI must be our servant rather than our master, economics the basis of a good life for all but not its purpose. In the past century the organisation, the company (literally a gathering of companions) at its best, recognised this.  It offered security and personal development in return for commitment.  My own company, Shell, was […]

Growth and Inclusive Prosperity: The need to create a positive utopia for the upcoming age of artificial intelligence
by Charles-Edouard Bouée

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We have just begun to acclimatize to the changes that our economies and societies have undergone due to digital technologies. Yet people, companies and governments must now ready themselves for the next big wave of technology; artificial intelligence (AI). This new leap into the unknown arouses many fears and fantasies. Yet the massive diffusion of AI will not just deepen and accelerate the economic and social transformations initiated by the digital era. It will also bring forth new business models, new organizational patterns and new social practices, which, in my opinion, possess the power to reverse some of the negative trends for which we tend to blame technological change.   AI: More than a new technology […]

What has sustainable inclusive growth got to do with corporate strategy?
by Martin Reeves

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The world has done well by corporate capitalism – a historically unprecedented period of economic growth and human development, with millions lifted out of poverty to name but a few of its achievements. But the sustainable growth which is necessary for economic prosperity and human development alike appears to be faltering. So, how should corporations adapt their strategy agenda to respond to this challenge?   The challenge to corporations comprises not merely a moral imperative for successful corporations to give back, or to manage reputational risk prudently. The very growth which demonstrably generates the majority of corporations’ returns in the long run is under threat. If this claim sounds dramatic, consider the following facts: growth […]

The Power of Human Potential in the Face of Workforce Upheaval
by Rick Goings, Chairman & CEO Tupperware Brands Corporation

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In some respects, graduates entering the workforce today seem incredibly well-prepared. They’ve learned how to tackle financial models, build marketing plans, and lead complex projects. And yet, they’re just not ready. What they haven’t been taught – even at top-tier institutions – are vital soft skills like resilience, empathy and confidence. In a recent McKinsey survey, 60 percent of employers said that new graduates were not adequately prepared for the world of work. Forty percent reported the main reason for entry-level job vacancies to be a lack of skills – notably, including in soft skills such as communication, teamwork, a love for learning and a willingness to take risks. These traits aren’t always listed as […]

A Radical Suggestion For The Drucker Forum 2017: Implement Peter Drucker! (Part 2)
by Steve Denning

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The world’s leading management conference—the Global Peter Drucker Forum—will gather in Vienna next month (November 16-17, 2017) for its annual get-together. Once again, a star-studded cast of eminent speakers will discuss a set of big issues, including: what will it take to achieve global broad-based prosperity in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world? Although an array of bold new ideas will, as in previous years, be canvassed, perhaps the most important suggestion for the Forum to consider is something simpler: why not get on with the implementation of the ideas already laid out by Peter Drucker many years ago? Unleashing Innovation-Driven Growth Globally In Part 1 of this article, I looked at the issue […]

A Radical Suggestion For The Drucker Forum 2017: Implement Peter Drucker! (Part 1)
by Steve Denning

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            “The future is already here. It’s just very unevenly distributed.” —William Gibson The world’s leading management conference—the Global Peter Drucker Forum—will gather in Vienna next month (November 16-17, 2017) for its annual get-together. Once again, a star-studded cast of eminent speakers will discuss a set of big issues, including: what will it take to achieve global broad-based prosperity in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world? Although an array of bold new ideas will, as in previous years, be canvassed, perhaps the most important suggestion for the Forum to consider is something simpler: why not get on with the implementation of the ideas already laid out by Peter Drucker […]

How business can earn society’s trust
by Paul Lewis

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Untrustworthy companies should focus on putting their own house in order before considering their wider role in society. Trust in business has apparently plummeted, with high executive pay and allegations of tax evasion among the more egregious causes, according to a Financial Times | IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance panel discussion about trust in business. Trust in institutions often seems like a fuzzy concept. But without it, the complex system of co-operation that underpins growth and prosperity collapses. Untrustworthy banks deter savings and investment. When officials are suspected of feathering their nests, citizens stop paying their taxes. If the finance ministry prints too much money (itself a measure of trust) the currency is devalued. It takes decades or […]