“Booms and busts”
Carlota Perez interviewed by Peter Day (Part I)

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  Professor Carlota Perez takes the long view of economics..the very long view. Her particular field of interest is long cycles stretching out 50 years or more, and often starting with the shock of big technology changes. She teaches at the London School of Economics, the University of Sussex, Tallinn University of Technology and University College London, and she has written a much-praised book: “Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: the Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages”. In this first podcast, she tells Peter Day about the economic cycle we are now in the middle of … and how it’s similar to (and different from) previous big cycles which are not really understood by business people, […]

“Stay healthy in the networked world”
Julia Hobsbawm interviewed by Peter Day

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Julia Hobsbawm says we are drowning in data and deadlines, and we need to correct the balance between the personal and the always-on networked world that has rapidly become the way that most of us live. Julia Hobsbawm was the world’s first professor of networking (at the Cass Business School in London), and she’s the founder of the knowledge networking firm Editorial Intelligence. She talks to Peter Day about the ideas in her new book “Fully Connected: Surviving and Thriving in an Age of Overload”.

“How to manage a management shift”
Vlatka Hlupic interviewed by Peter Day

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Vlatka Hlupic is professor of management and business at the University of Westminster in London. She’s also a consultant and author of the book “The Management Shift”. She tells Peter Day how companies can discover systematic ways of building humane organisations fit for innovation and prosperity in the 21st century.

“A phone company with an African mission”
Bob Collymore interviewed by Peter Day

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Businesses are people, profit..but first of all purpose, says Bob Collymore. He has been CEO of the mobile phone company Safaricom in Kenya since 2010. It is the company that introduced mobile money to Africa 10 years ago, under the brand name M-Pesa. What was designed as a send-money-home service for people living far from their villages has developed into a vital arm of the economy, adding microloans for solar power and micro savings for healthcare to its range of services. Bob Collymore explains what inclusive prosperity means–and might mean–in Africa.

“Take me to your leader”
Tammy Erickson interviewed by Peter Day

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Tammy Erickson is an author, expert on leadership and work, and an Adjunct Professor, Organisational Behaviour, at London Business School. She is the founder and CEO of Tammy Erickson Associates, a firm dedicated to helping clients build intelligent organizations. She tells Peter Day what’ss wrong with the traditional idea of leadership, and how leadership is about asking the right questions, rather than command and control. And she talks about the need for “spontaneous coordination”.