“Take me to your leader”
Tammy Erickson interviewed by Peter Day

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Tammy Erickson is an author, expert on leadership and work, and an Adjunct Professor, Organisational Behaviour, at London Business School. She is the founder and CEO of Tammy Erickson Associates, a firm dedicated to helping clients build intelligent organizations. She tells Peter Day what’ss wrong with the traditional idea of leadership, and how leadership is about asking the right questions, rather than command and control. And she talks about the need for “spontaneous coordination”.

“Global rights and wrongs”
Allyson Stewart Allen interviewed by Peter Day

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Allyson Stewart-Allen is a Californian who now lives and works in London where she is the founder and chief executive of a consultancy called International Marketing Partners. She a specialist in globalisation and its impacts, and author of the book Working with Americans. She tells Peter Day about the snags and possibilities companies may encounter in the global world.