Comments on: Human Essence as a Key to Prosperity. Part II of II. Ellina Watanabe Fri, 23 Jan 2015 14:19:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ananth Fri, 23 Jan 2015 14:19:31 +0000 Wonderful and very insightful post, thanks for sharing.

It is very true, today humanized connect is sadly missing across globally especially with the rise in automated tools. But designing it with the essence of human connect and engagement can allow organizations today to grow much more rapidly than ever before.

Key is to be able to deliver:
– Value-add that is truly insightful and resourceful as a product and or service to the end user and not merely with PROFITS in mind.
– Personalization in terms of customizing to make it easy to use for the end consumer.

Peter Drucker always said, the purpose of a business is to create a customer and that customer has to be connected with and understood properly. He always emphasized on delivering results by empowering people and not by treating them as tools.

Humanized connect and empowerment goes across every aspect of business:
– The way ideas are developed
– The way consumer research insights are made use of (because there is so much of it)
– Innovation and how truly unique and useful it (product/service) will be for users across and at the same time what real value does the organization create by introducing that product or service into the market.

Thanks for this amazing post.

Ananth V
Techdivine Creative Services
