Comments on: Managing Complexity – Invitation to join the Conversation Thu, 06 Jun 2013 15:52:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jack Haffey Thu, 06 Jun 2013 15:52:46 +0000 Richard – You wrote an insightful post at the HBR blog site that also serves to stimulate thoughts by readers. Thank you.
I agree with almost everything you wrote. I do not agree with your conclusion, though, that ‘embracing complexity will not make managers’ jobs easier.’ Just the opposite is true: embracing complexity will make managers’ jobs easier.
This complexity moment, I believe, is a sea change moment to be sure, but is also just one more change moment on a continuously lengthening continuum of change that organizations and managers have had to deal with over the decades. And, by embracing the change moments (often reluctantly for the ‘control’ reason you present), managers, leaders, corporations and organizations of all kinds have made their jobs easier.
I will be happy to follow up and explain my thoughts in more detail, but for this note I will conclude by suggesting that it is not only (1) the desire of managers to control, (2) the fact that the technological tools to facilitate the embracing of complexity are only now blossoming and (3) the prospect of non-human decision-making unnerving managers (this one is so bizarre) that underlie the general failure to embrace complexity. It is also the longstanding and now completely outmoded and discredited dominant mindset that corporate managers (including especially top management), Wall Street and the global financial community have had and used for almost 200 years that is at fault – that is even the deeper, underlying heart of the problem.
This dominant mindset, part which you allude to, is inward-focused, win-lose and short term. The dominant mindset going forward, which I think you also indirectly allude to, must become outward-focused (stakeholder- focused; about five or six primary stakeholder groups for every organization) and long term. This mindset will embrace complexity as a natural part of its service and servant DNA. Along with this mindset, certain leadership and organizational culture characteristics are key to excellent performance going forward.
Again, I would be happy to discuss more, fill in some blanks and of course listen to you and learn. I have been reading Peter Drucker’s writings since 1972. I humbly think he would agree with these thoughts. I also humbly think Adam Smith would agree. Jack Haffey.

By: Liviu Mon, 04 Mar 2013 00:41:41 +0000 Mildred, systems philosophy presupposes hierarchy. The human brain is a problem solving device in constant search for patterns. Unlike computers, it can and does work with incomplete information. In an ideal case a manager has a higher perspective which equates to a more powerful pattern fitting ability. And since complexity is all about “hidden” patterns, managers should be chosen based on the ability to manage higher complexity. See my related blog for additional insights such as why the human brain is in a constant search for patterns in the first place:

It’s not about information, it’s about patterns!

By: mildred ayere Sat, 02 Mar 2013 06:09:07 +0000 The world has turned into one big village with the advent of the internet technology. Mangers must live with the reality that the people they manage have access to most of the information they have. The difference is in how a manager harnesses available information in management so that ideas floated appear fresh, new and useful to the community being managed. Hence it is true that successful management of knowledge workers is needed in building a better planet.

By: Reb Thomas Thu, 28 Feb 2013 16:25:09 +0000 In a world of ever increasing complexity Peter Drucker knew that knowledge is the most important starting ingredient for a Knowledge Economy. Successful management of knowledge workers is what is needed to build a smarter planet that can deal with complex issues.
