Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez – Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG Wed, 01 Nov 2023 13:13:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Peter Drucker’s view on Project Management – Interview with Richard Straub, founder of the Global Peter Drucker Forum by Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez Thu, 05 Jul 2018 09:57:13 +0000

Peter Drucker was fully aware of the importance of disciplined planning and execution – hence his famous quote: “Plans are just good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work”. He saw the need to tightly integrate the ideas and the plans for execution in the strategy process itself.

<<< This article was part of the ANR Newsletter series>>

Several years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Richard Straub over a long breakfast in Brussels. Richard is the founder of the non-profit Peter Drucker Society Europe after a 32-year career at IBM. he is keeping Drucker’s legacy alive through the Global Peter Drucker Forum, which has its tenth year anniversary in November this year.

Peter Drucker (1909-2005), considered the “father of modern management”, is one of my thought leaders because of his natural ability to translate complex matters into simple concepts.

I asked Richard if he could share a bit more about Peter Drucker’s view on Project Management:

“Peter Drucker was fully aware of the importance of disciplined planning and execution – hence his famous quote: “Plans are just good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work”. He saw the need to tightly integrate the ideas and the plans for execution in the strategy process itself.”

Drucker authored more than three dozen books. He argued strongly in decision-making, that the assembly line was in fact very inefficient because it only allowed things to be done in sequence. He also introduced the idea the knowledge worker, and of management by objectives, aiming for long-term goals by setting a series of short-term ones.

Peter Drucker Speaks – Drucker School of Management

In the interview with Richard, we discussed the challenges Governments around the world are facing with Policy Implementation, and the theme of this years’ Drucker Forum, around the Human Dimension in the face of the new technologies. I also wanted to find out more about the longevity secrete behind IBM.

Strategy, policy design project management must be tightly intertwined to be successful and improve our world. Because of the lack of this unintended consequences of policy implementation abound.

Richard, thank you so much for accepting to share your invaluable experience and perspectives with our community of experts that want to make a better world.

Q: In your time at IBM it has gone through major transformations – how did you experience this?

In my years at IBM, from 1973 to 2005, I did indeed work for three different companies – it was by no means one identical organization. First, what I would call the mainframe IBM with a distinct culture inspired by the Watsons, then the PC IBM (I was much involved in the launch of the PC in Europe and then engaged as a member of the global team), and finally the services organization under Lou Gerstner’s lead.

For the most amazing and rewarding experience was the way IBM established within a rather hierarchical and command and-control-oriented organization a new independent PC-unit and gave it significant freedom and empowerment – at least for the first years. This created enormous motivation, engagement entrepreneurial spirit.

Q: IBM is a corporation that embraced project management as a core skill since the 1980’s. Has this focus and skills beneficial for IBM employees, executives, overall success? In what sense? 

Project management was of utmost importance in IBM’s transformation in the 90s and has kept a central role ever since. The torch was originally carried by former IBM CEO Lou Gerstner who decided to transform IBM a project-based enterprise by raising project management to a strategic competency for the corporation. By implementing an executive governance structure, he embedded this commitment in the IBM management system far beyond his own tenure. It all culminated into an IBM Center of Excellence for PM overseeing the certification of thousands of certified PMs – a strong and vibrant community within the company.

Q: We, project managers, claim that we turn dreams into reality. One of your dreams was to create the Peter Drucker Forum and keep his legacy alive. How did you make it happen? Was the project executed according to your initial plan or you had some struggling moments?

To be totally honest – I stumbled into it. My wife Ilse and I certainly had a vision of what we wanted to achieve – Peter Drucker on the occasion of his centenary in the city of his birth and upbringing. It was only then that we found out that it shouldn’t be a one-off activity and that the enthusiastic response we received at the first Forum in 2009 was a mandate to continue.

As Henry Mintzberg (who BTW is a great supporter and friend of the Forum) might say, our strategy and implementation were “emergent” – we learned as we went along and made decisions on the fly. We had elements of the project plan formalized year by year but kept it to be able to adapt rapidly. As a small non-profit structure, we did struggle a lot – but we were fortunate that the overall project got great momentum and recognition which helped us to overcome the headwinds.

Q: Was the great Peter Drucker aware of the importance of project management? If so, what did he say about it?

Peter Drucker was fully aware of the importance of disciplined planning and execution – hence his famous quote: “Plans are just good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work“. He saw the need to tightly integrate the ideas and the plans for execution in the strategy process itself. He also constantly reminded us that it is not good enough to execute well and to focus only on the implementation part of projects – as in “There is nothing so useless as doing things efficiently that shouldn’t be done at all“.

The principles that he outlines in his magnum opus “Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices” are still valid today e.g. when he speaks about feedback information for self-control, continuous learning and the linkage between planning and doing. According to Drucker, even creativity needs to be founded on a strong professional and well-structured work environment, not on chaos and “anything goes”.

Q: One of the most pressing needs when talking to Governments and Institutions is the importance, and challenges, of Policy Implementation. Is it about creating sustainable impact in society and citizens? How can we convince them that they need to focus on project delivery to improve society and create a better and more equal world? 

I would argue that as with strategy, policy design and implementation must be tightly intertwined. Because of the lack of this unintended consequences of policy implementation abound.

Examples are the regulatory response to the financial crisis that led to a mindless bureaucratic approach stripping from banks their core responsibility to fund the real economy based on sound business assessment and risk management. Nobody would argue that leaders of financial institutions shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions and for any damage on society, but if the only way we can respond to this is an all-pervasive and extreme compliance and bureaucracy driven micro-management model, it shows how little regulatory bodies know about leadership, management, governance accountability.

Another example is the rigid bureaucratic framework for innovation projects the European Commission has set for the projects they fund. It’s all justified by regulations and by transparency – but it has nothing to do with the reality on the ground that needs flexibility and the ability to pivot when continuously learning during the project cycle.

Q: This year is the tenth anniversary of the Global Peter Drucker Forum – what is the theme of the event? How does it connect to projects and project management? What will they learn if they join the event in November 2018?

The Drucker Forum 2018 places the human dimension of management at its center. I believe this is appropriate as it was the center of gravity for Drucker’s thinking.

What does this mean? We’ll look primarily through the “human lens” at the challenges of our time.

The Drucker Forum aspires to contribute to this “human re-framing” which implies two major components – on the one hand rediscovering what it means to be human in the face of new technologies such as AI, and on the other reconnecting to the reality of the world we are engaged in. A scientific and engineering approach to management brings important insights to its systematic and organized elements – but we must find a new balance with the human side – which is where Drucker and his ideas about management as a liberal art will enrich the discussion.

Management is much more than a science and a purely rational construct. It is about relations between people, about aspirations, emotions, ambition, politics, empathy, while at the same time providing a framework of how to harness these forces of nature to the benefit of companies and societies. Project management as key management discipline will benefit from this discussion as it will provide input to a transition that it has itself already begun, i.e. to achieve a new balance between formal and highly disciplined approaches and the human realities that require flexibility, nimbleness agility.

If you want to find out more about Richard’s latest thinking, here is the first HBR article of the Drucker Forum series: Socially Responsible Business Can Only Succeed If It Becomes a Movement

About the Author:

Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez ( is the world’s leading champion of Project Management and Strategy Implementation. He is the creator of concepts such as the Hierarchy of Purpose, featured by Harvard Business Review, or the Project Revolution; which argue that projects are the lingua franca of the business and personal worlds from the C-suite to managing your career or relationships.

Antonio’s research and global impact in modern management been recognized by Thinkers50 with the prestigious award “Ideas into Practice”.

He is the author of the best-selling book The Focused Organization*; has taught at leading business schools, including Duke CE, IE Business School, Solvay, Vlerick Skolkovo; has been featured in several magazines, including The Economist, Singapore Management Institute, and Strategy Business Review. Antonio is a much in demand speaker at events worldwide. Over the past 15 years, he has presented at more than 160 conferences around the world, regularly evaluated as the best speaker.

A pioneer and leading authority in teaching strategy execution and project management to senior executives at top Business Schools; currently visiting at Duke CE, Instituto de Empresa, Solvay, Vlerick, Ecole des Ponts Skolkovo.

Born in Madrid, Spain, and educated in Germany, Mexico, Italy and the United States, Antonio has an MBA from London Business School and is fluent in six languages.

* use the 50% discount promotional code ‘FO230’

This article is one in a series related to the 10th Global Peter Drucker Forum, with the theme management. the human dimension, taking place on November 29 & 30, 2018 in Vienna, Austria #GPDF18.

This article was first published on Linkedin.

Photo by: Global Peter Drucker Forum

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Re-Humanising Work and Organizations Through Projects by Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez Mon, 25 Jun 2018 07:37:41 +0000 The purpose of an organization is to enable ordinary human beings to do extraordinary things”, Peter Drucker

Work has always been considered an essential part of being human: a means of providing for food, clothes, and shelter. In the wake of the social turmoil and rising unemployment which led to the February Revolution of 1848 in France, the French socialist leader Louis Blanc argued that human beings have “the right to work”, or engage in productive employment, and may not be prevented from doing so.

The right to work was later safeguarded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly and recognized in international human rights law through its inclusion in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

But since the industrial revolution, workers have been progressively reduced to numbers, headcount, assets, fixed costs; and organizations have been driven primarily by targets and control systems. Significant innovations in management have mostly focused on doing the work faster and more cheaply.

We had to wait for Peter Drucker to put the human being central stage, with his famous identification of the “Knowledge Worker”. Employees were not just hands; they also had a brain.

Unfortunately, Drucker’s wise words were soon lost in the erroneous and destructive theories that centred the organizations’ purpose on increasing shareholder value. Productivity, efficiency gains, and short-termism would take pride of place for decades, mostly at the expense of employees and the human and social side of organizations.

The impact of globalization and technological advancements, with thousands of companies collapsing and millions of jobs vanishing in western economies, has caused an enormous loss of confidence in capitalism and western leaders. And according to Silicon Valley futurists, over the next 10 years, societies will experience more change than in the past two and a half centuries. More change, at a greater speed than ever!

Despite this daunting outlook, let me put forward one idea that can inspire us to remain positive and prompt us to action.

There is one model of productive collaboration, a method of work to generate value, that has remained constant over centuries, irrespective of organizational fashions. This universal method of working and organizing work is the project. Project-based work has been the engine that turned ideas into reality and generated the major accomplishments in our civilisation.

Behavioral and social sciences confirm that there are few ways of working and collaborating more motivating and inspiring than being part of a project with an ambitious goal, a higher purpose, and a clear fixed deadline.

But the project is not only the most human-centric and value-creating vehicle for human effort; even more important, it is also resilient to robots, artificial intelligence and many of the technological “advances” that seem to aim at eradicating the right to work.

Yet, very few individuals have been trained to define and manage projects successfully.

The Project Revolution

According to my latest research (see chart), fewer management resources are being consumed by straight-ahead operations year by year. At the same time, and almost as communicating vessels, the number of projects run in organizations, together with the budgets and resources dedicated to them, have steadily increased.

Disruptive technologies will accelerate this trend. Robots and AI will take over much of the operational work, where they have not done so already. Organizations will shift their focus to projects and project-based work – leading to what I have called the “Project Revolution”. In this new landscape, projects are becoming the essential model for delivering change and creating value. We are witnessing the rise of the “project economy”. The so-called gig economy is driven by projects. This represents a massive disruption that is not only impacting the way organizations are managed. In fact, every aspect of our lives can be thought of as a set of projects. For example, a project-based approach is bringing much-needed new thinking to education, to careers, to corporate governance and in one or two bold cases even to democratic government itself.

We will all be project managers soon – and we must learn how to use the new rules to maximum effect.

Project-based work will increase the focus on Humans – Embrace it!

The good news is that project-based work is human-centric. Projects cannot be carried out by machines; they need humans to do the work and the thinking. The purpose of the project is the centre around which people and resources are assembled, bond, interact, plan the work and address emotional aspects to create a high-performing team. Technology will, of course, play a role in projects. It will improve the selection of projects and increase the chances of success. But technology will be an enabler, not the goal.

My plea is for society, organizations, leaders, politicians, and people to build the competencies required to transform and thrive in the new digital and project-driven economy. To learn how to set ambitious and inspiring goals; to establish clear deadlines and engage employees and citizens around a higher purpose. To establish a culture in which ideas are transformed into reality through projects. We should not be afraid of the future and the unknown. Let’s keep learning, and embrace project-based work.

About the author:

Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez ( is a leading champion of Project Management and Strategy Implementation. He is the author of “The Focused Organization” (Taylor & Francis) and currently working on his next book, “The Project Revolution” (LID). Recognised by Thinkers50, Antonio is a visiting professor at Duke CE, Instituto de Empresa, Solvay, Vlerick, Ecole des Ponts, and Skolkovo.

This article is one in a series related to the 10th Global Peter Drucker Forum, with the theme management. the human dimension, taking place on November 29 & 30, 2018 in Vienna, Austria #GPDF18

This article was first published on Linkedin.

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