Creative Resilience: a call to action for leadership in an age of discontinuity
by Esther Clark

“A well-led enterprise can learn to survive deep blows and still surge forward,” states HBR’s Julia Kirby in her description of the theme for the 2023 Global Peter Drucker Forum, “Creative Resilience: Leading in an Age of Discontinuity”. Learning, survival, and forward movement are fundamental elements of well-led organisations. […]

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Peter Drucker in 2020: the challenge and privilege of transformation by Esther Clark

Peter Drucker predicted that by 2020 a new world – completely different from our grandparents’ reality – would exist. Drucker, father of modern management, explained in a 1992 essay for Harvard Business Review, that “every few hundred years throughout Western history, a sharp transformation has occurred. In a matter of decades, society altogether rearranges itself – its worldview, its basic values, its social and political structures, its arts, its key institutions.”[…]

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