Comments on: Turbulence ahead: Why the future favours the bold by Terence Mauri Sat, 19 Mar 2022 08:07:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nodira Sat, 19 Mar 2022 08:07:57 +0000 Automation is anticipated to change some fundamental ways of working and with it the relationship
between employers and employees. Considering the happiness and satisfaction of the workers who fill
existing and new jobs will determine how well companies are able to capture the productivity, quality, and
innovation gains possible through automation.
Companies are already facing challenges in terms of community relations and license to operate in light
of a stagnant economy. Surging unemployment would further damage social cohesion and erode
community trust. If automation leads to a shift away from labor-intensive manufacturing, there could also
be significant macro-level, long-term impacts on the economy and business. Exacerbating existing
jobless growth would contribute to additional downward pressure on consumer demand, creating a
vicious cycle depressing economic vitality.
Trends show that more companies are viewing labor and technology as opposite sides in a zero-sum
game that has major short and long-term implications. Adopting a more mutually reinforcing relationship
whereby automation augments and extends the capabilities of workers could make automation a win for
both workers and business.
BSR’s Approach to an Inclusive Economy in the Age of Automation
Businesses have a strong interest in ensuring that they, and their workforce, are prepared for an era of
massive change. This means not only mitigating the negative impacts of technology but also harnessing it
as a powerful driver of economic opportunity and improved well-being.
