Comments on: Organizing for Simultaneous Innovation Capability – key findings from +1,000 companies by Magnus Penker Tue, 13 Sep 2016 09:04:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin McFarthing Tue, 03 May 2016 08:43:33 +0000 Thanks, Magnus!

By: Magnus Penker Tue, 03 May 2016 05:31:13 +0000 Thanks for the feedback Jonathan! Very interesting observation and I think it is valid for SMEs as well as for large corporations. According to my key findings, based on correlation analysis between the different mentioned concepts in the blogpost and in total 67 identified capabilities for innovation, the nature of H2 seems to strongly correlate with following identified capabilities for innovation: Platform and Design Thinking, Prototyping, Speed to market, Project Selection. In my experience several of this capabilities for innovation, especially Platform and Design thinking, is very hard to acquire which might be one of many a reasons why H2 seem to be a bit squeezed in the middle. But it if mostly likely other (and many) reasons behind this as well, looking forward to more thinking on this.

By: Tomas Sundh Tue, 03 May 2016 04:23:56 +0000 Interesting that radical innovators seems more mature in their strategy and leadership, something I will bring in mind as an entrepreneur.

By: Henrik Troselius Tue, 03 May 2016 04:21:24 +0000 ”Great article, especially that SMEs can learn form large corporations and vice versa, looking forward to more on the topic”.

By: Magnus Penker Mon, 02 May 2016 18:52:57 +0000 Absolutely, no doubt! Will add that, thanks for pointing it out. Table A is also very similar to McKinsey´s Framework with H1-H3 and Metrics, People and Capabilities (Coley, 2009). The contribution in the blog post lies in the correlation analysis (based on my work) between the “Three Horizons” defined by McKinsey&Co and the work of Jaruzelski & Dehoff (2010) and Loewe, Williamson, Chapman Wood (2001) and of cause your contribution as well.

By: Kevin McFarthing Fri, 29 Apr 2016 11:46:27 +0000 Hi Magnus – interesting article. Your Table A looks VERY similar indeed to one produced by Ralph Ohr and I in this article – (also published on our own websites).

Do we deserve an acknowledgement?

By: Jonathan Bean Wed, 27 Apr 2016 15:45:21 +0000 Excellent post. The first I have seen to link 3 Horizons thinking with strategy, leadership, capabilities and culture in an innovation management context. Very powerful. I wonder if like other 3 Horizons challenges if in innovation their is too much focus on both Horizon 1 and too much freedom and lack of monitoring in Horizon 3, whilst Horizon 2 initiatives do not get the attention and time they deserve. Look forward to seeing more thinking on this topic.
