"Days of the Future" 17th - 21st of June 2013

International meeting point for sustainable economic activity


Five days, more than 50 cooperation partners and one committed team of organisers: The IFZ-congress 2013 under the title "cooperation global:regional" is entering a new dimension. Encouraged by receiving the Austrian Event Award for the best congress in 2012 the team of the Institute for Future Competences (IFZ) has once again invited some of the most inspiring personalities to this years "Days of the Future" which take place in Stift Ossiach, Carinthia, Austria from 17th to 21st of June 2013. Diverse Speakers like Erhard Busek (Ex-Vice-chancellor for science and education), Christian Felber (Welfare Economy), Lambert Gneisz (Performer Management), Frithjof Bergmann (New Work-New Culture/NANK), Michel Saloff-Coste (Design me a Planet) or John Croft (Dragon Dreaming) are going to provide food for thoughts. "We once again offer an unparalleled mixture of impulses of known speakers, best-practice, open-space-character with workshops, a "Future Laboratory" and many opportunities to exchange experiences", says the IFZ-Team. 


The congress is traditionally a great networking platform for opinion leaders, entrepreneurs, pioneers, social entrepreneurs, start ups, artists etc., who live in the Alpe-Adria-region and are invested in the sustainable development of international and regional cooperations. The goal of this "open think- and do-tank" is to create as many definite cooperation projects as possible. 


New additions to this year's program: The "Global Day" with live broadcasts of impulse givers in Europe and the US, the presentation of the "Planetary Award" and a "World Brunch". All-inclusive-packages for the "Days of the Future" as well as separate modules can be booked depending on your interest. There are special conditions for early bookers.


Information and booking:

