EFMD Sharing Best Practice CLIP Workshops are thematic workshops based on the experience gained through CLIP peer reviews. HR and learning & development professionals meet twice a year to work in depth on the key challenges modern corporate learning functions are facing.
The workshops are hosted and driven by the Chief Learning Officers of companies that have gone through the CLIP process and are facilitated by the EFMD CLIP team. Each theme is chosen from the points of excellence as identified through CLIP. Two to three CLOs from other CLIPed companies and/or Business Schools are joining the hosting company for in-depth sharing.
These events are designed for senior corporate HR and learning & development practitioners from companies. Participation is free of charge for EFMD members and special guests.
This one-day event is preceded by an informal dinner and a special CLIP information session the evening before.
As an interactive forum, this community of practitioners can be of great value for you and your company!
Upcoming workshop:

Shifting Boundaries: leveraging L&D providers for accelerated innovation -
How the collaboration between a corporate university and its external partners
can turn into an inclusive ecosystem
5 October 2018

21(evening) - 22 March 2019
"Essilor is an active member of the EFMD Sharing Best Practice workshops since more than 2 years. The EFMD events, especially the Sharing Best Practice sessions are a concrete opportunity to share with peers from other international organisations on the evolution of HR. For our L&D community, it is an opportunity to benefit from a large network of professionals, to discuss about business cases and to share valuable knowledges in our field of expertise. We make a strong use of this networking, in and out of the session by maintaining the contact with the members of the EFMD networks after the event."
César AWAD
International Training Manager, Global Learning & Development
Recent workshops organised by EFMD members organisations:

Enhancing Agility – Adapting Learning & Development to a new Environment
29 September 2017

"BarCmap on Learning Transformations",
24 March 2017

"Get ready for disruption: Upskilling organisations to successfully navigate a digital and interconnected world”
30 September 2016

"The 100-Year-Life: a Chance to Diffuse the Demographic Time Bomb in Your Business"
30 October 2015

"Developing Middle Management: The Strategic Lifeblood of the Company"
20 March 2015

"Capacity of the learning function to address major business issues"
17 October 2014

UniCredit - UniManagement
"Aligning the Three E's for Maximum Learning Impact: Experience, Exposure and Education"
21 March 2014