2019 Peter Drucker Forum Program online - check it out!
Preliminary Program
The preliminary program for the 2019 Drucker Forum 'The Power of Ecosystems', taking place on November 21 and 22 in the Vienna Hofburg Palace, is now online. Check it out. A pre-conference program will be held on November 20 in an intimate setting at the Austrian Federation of Industry and the Vienna City Hall. It will comprise master classes with world-renowned speakers, workshops and executive round tables. It can be booked in conjunction with the Drucker Forum as a full-day extension or the afternoon only, and provides access to the speakers reception on November 20 at 6 pm.
Early Bird ends July 21
You can still benefit from the 15% Early Bird discount when registering for the 2019 Peter Drucker Forum – but only until July 21! Get ready for a unique learning and networking experience in the sumptuous surroundings of the Vienna Hofburg Palace. Register now.
Get inspired
BREAKING NEWS: Announcing important new additions to the Forum speakers list – Tony Tan Keng Yam, former President of Singapore, Lisa Hershman, Chief Management Officer, US Department of Defence and Fleur Pellerin, founder and CEO Korelya Capital.
Peter Drucker today
We are proud to announce the launch of a new webpage devoted to the life and work of Peter Drucker, featuring powerful reminders why his ideas and values still resonate today. To whet your appetite: read Winston Churchill's positive take on Drucker's first book The End of Economic Man: The Origins of Totalitarianism, published 80 years ago.
Join the debate
Our blog series of one-page posts by members of the Drucker Forum Community on ecosystems, the 2019 Forum theme, is now under way. Use it as a guide to key issues upcoming at the conference over the coming months. You are invited to join the debate and post your comments – highlights will be promoted on social media. Read the first contributions at the blog.
Alpbach Economic Symposium
In the last months we have held Forum launch events in venues ranging from Paris and London to Singapore and Hong Kong. Next up: the Alpbach Economic Symposium on August 28, featuring a plenary session on 'Managing Insecurity or Managing in Security?' where the Drucker community will be prominently represented by Rick Goings, Isaac Getz and Julia Kirby.
Peter Drucker Society Europe Registered Office: Thurngasse 13/18, 1090 Vienna, Austria
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