Digitalization fundamentally changes the nature of work and leadership. That’s a huge advantage for those people that get it. But it also challenges human responsibility[…]
Continue readingCategory: 13th Global Peter Drucker Forum
Perspectives on High Performance in the Digital Era
Drucker Forum Post Scriptum: “Viva la Vida”
by Isabella Mader
What have we learned at the Forum that is most exciting, concerning, surprising?[…]
Continue readingInvesting in Social Glue – Overview, Insights and Key Takeaways
by Mark Béliczky
Given such a dynamic VUCA and COVID world, businesses and organizations needed to rapidly swerve to a distributed and remote workforce while simultaneously giving considerable thought to the future role of the office.[…]
Continue readingEmployee Power in Turbulent Times: Why Now and How
by Jane McConnell
I have always found the most inspiring roundtable talks to be those where the speakers have diverse perspectives on an issue that is critical, even existential. That was the case for the digital workshop on 10 Nov at the 13th annual Peter Drucker forum.[…]
Continue readingA report on two sessions of the Global Peter Drucker Forum: Can Big Businesses be Humanized and how Fast should you try to Transform your Business?
by Annika Steiber
The 13th Global Peter Drucker Forum again raised business critical questions such as: “Can big businesses be humanized” and “How fast should you transform your business. The answers were: “YES you can humanize a big company “, and “you need to CHANGE your perception on how fast a strategic change of your business will be”.[…]
Continue readingOrganizations need “context-managers”
by Erhard Friedberg
On the upper levels of management as well as in management literature, one will frequently hear the almost ritual complaint about the growing sluggishness of organizations, their lack of agility. […]
Continue readingWelcome to uncertainty: Reinventing management tools now to avoid the next catastrophe
by Philippe Silberzahn
After the shock of the first lockdown in 2020, the world has experienced an erratic, difficult and long return to an almost normal situation, with no certainty of being completely out of the crisis. In other words, uncertainty, with its share of surprises, is with us for a long time.[…]
Continue readingServing People – #6 Revolutionizing Leadership Development
by Janka Krings-Klebe
When the pandemic hit, few companies were prepared for the unpredictability of the threats and related challenges that it brought. The completely unexpected need to switch the internal operating system to fully digital within days ruthlessly exposed the flaws and booby traps hidden in many″>[…]
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