Mazars인증된 계정


We are an international organisation, specialising in audit, accountancy, advisory, tax & legal services. 20,000 professionals in 86 countries & territories.

86 countries & territories worldwide
가입일: 2011년 2월


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  1. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    1시간 전

    More than 28 000 foreign companies established in France. Why not you? Discover the practical guides made by & . ➡️ 🇫🇷

  2. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    2시간 전

    starts with : ’s managing partner Christoph Regierer speaks to all of the Berlin office about our , , , and our during our office gathering.

  3. 12월 6일

    The published the results of the 2018 EU wide stress tests on European banks’ solvency in the event of macro-economic shocks. Check out our latest article on our Financial Services blog and learn more about the results:

  4. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 6일

    More than 28 000 foreign companies established in France. Why not you? Discover the practical guides made by & . ➡️ 🇫🇷

    , 님, 님 외 6명
  5. 12월 6일

    has a pivotal role to play in encouraging a future. Discover how in the latest article written by and supported by Mazars:

  6. 12월 5일

    As demand for sustainability grows from a diverse array of players, global are divided on how to keep up. Mazars answers 5 questions set to shape the conversation:

  7. 12월 4일

    For the second year in a row, Mazars in Singapore is recognised as one of the Best Companies to Work for in 🏆 Find out more about our career opportunities at

  8. 12월 3일

    Mazars commissioned to examine the relationship between and . So what did we learn?

  9. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 30일
    님, 님에게 보내는 답글

    Patrick de Cambourg, President, Autorité des Normes comptables (ANC) says "it’s time to consider extra-financial information not separately, but harmonized with financial information

  10. 11월 26일

    How are companies accounting for cryptoassets? No specific guidance for cryptocurrencies have yet been issued under either US GAAP or IFRS. Check out our latest article on our Financial Services blog and get a better understanding of the current landscape:

  11. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 22일

    Pleased to welcome in for two days the Global Mobility Conference Mazars / Praxity

  12. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 22일

    The clock is ticking to take action on reform, which may put financial stability at risk and shake the financial sphere. Read our in-depth analysis by our experts here:

  13. 11월 22일

    European directive on : Partner explains why businesses need to get compliant

  14. 11월 21일

    What happens when you bring together 45 Mazarians from 22 countries? Magic, of course! Take a look back at the Global Mazars Shake, our first international hackathon 💡

  15. 11월 20일

    regulation in the West African Monetary Union is continuously evolving. Mazars' explains the implications of those changes on :

  16. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 17일

    Now it's time for the Outstanding Business of the year 2018 sponsored by Congratulations to

  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 16일

    Conférence de lancement de la dont est fier d'être partenaire

  18. 11월 14일

    We're at the European Captive Forum today and tomorrow in Luxembourg! Book a meeting slot with one of our experts to have an informal chat about how our solutions could benefit your business:

  19. 11월 13일
  20. 11월 13일

    Live from : workshop on in the industry. “Predictive and prescriptive analytics can be deployed across most functions to optimize performance”.


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