How would Peter Drucker react if he met his android twin today?
We don’t know. All we can do is to use our imagination – one of the attributes, along with creativity, reason, feelings and empathy, that are still unique to humans.
That said, there can be no doubt that AI will shake up the very foundations of society, changing human relations, what we do and how, forever.
So we would like your opinion: How can we maintain the human face of society in the context of AI? Can Peter Drucker’s human-centered approach be of help? What should be the new roles and responsibilities of institutions and their management? What kind of leadership, talent and organizational culture will be required? Above all, how can AI be used to allow us as individuals to make the very most of ourselves as human beings?
MAY 20 | End of CAP info-session season |
JUNE 24 | Submission DEADLINE |
End of JULY | 1st round judging completed |
end of AUG / | FINAL RESULTS of the Jury |
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