Membership benefits
ABIS is a reference point for organisations seeking access to leading edge thinking and practice in corporate responsibility, sustainability and governance. Our members:

Participation at ABIS events
- Speaking opportunities at thematic events
- 2 free places at the ABIS Annual Colloquium for partners
- 1 free place at the ABIS Annual Colloquium for members
- Special rates and guaranteed places at ABIS events
- Free participation at the ABIS Leaders Forum by invitation
- Networking opportunities and agenda shaping of events
Access to knowledge
- Free copy of ABIS special issue journals
- Special discount rates for ABIS branded books
- Exclusive access to case study materials and presentations
Profile building
- Dedicated member profile on the ABIS website
- Logo on the 'All member' page
- Possibility to spread news through ABIS website and newsletter
- Selected sponsorship of journals, events and reports
Drive your own projects
- Build a project or event around themes relevant to your business or research
- Connect with companies and stakeholders around initiatives and issues
- Access to high-level academic and corporate thought leaders
Membership charter & cancellation policy
An overview of member benefits and commitments, as well as ABIS’ governance structures, can be found in the latest version of ABIS’ Membership & Governance Charter, approved by the Management Board on November 6, 2009. Please click here to download the full document.
Membership of ABIS is renewed automatically on January 1st of each new calendar year. Requests for cancellation must be formally submitted to ABIS in writing by the lead representative (e.g., Global VP, Dean, Rector), via registered mail, three months prior to the annual renewal date. Any such correspondence must be addressed to ABIS’ President, Prof. dr. Gilbert Lenssen. Cancellation will only be accepted if all membership fees up to and including the current calendar year have been paid in full.
If a member institution is approved for inclusion in an ABIS project funded by a third party (such as the European Commission, a Corporate Partner, independent foundation, etc), it will be expected to maintain active membership and pay annual fees for the duration of the project. If that member chooses to cancel its membership and to reject payment of annual fees during the project, it will be invited to withdraw its participation with immediate effect. If this is refused, a legal process will be started to nullify any future participation by that member.