Veraltete Organisationsstrukturen und Hierarchien prägen den Alltag in den deutschen Unternehmen.
Doch die digitale Transformation erfordert Innovationen, stetige Veränderung und Entwicklung. Trends wie das vernetzte Arbeiten in verteilten Teams stellen alte Managementkonzepte in Frage.
Wie kann die Digitalisierung als Teil der Unternehmenskultur verstanden werden und in die Strategie integriert werden? Wie kann man Organisationsformen so umstrukturieren, dass die Mitarbeiter den Change mittragen?
Diesen Fragen widmet sich Gastautor Guido Bosbach in seinem Beitrag zur neuen Artikelreihe „Digital Leadership“ im Scopevisio Ratgeber.
Entrepreneurial Society seems to evolve in such a way that a society of employees slowly morphs into a society of entrepreneurs. The tendency of a decrease in employment and the rise of freelancing materialized in a record of 40 percent of US workers in insecure contingent jobs in 2015 [1]. The future of work seems to be that employment is dying altogether, but work seems to be re-inventing itself through the rise of freelancing: while corporations are laying of millions of staff they appear to be sourcing work back in from freelancers. On the one hand, the network economy can be the chance for millions to create work for themselves in a self-responsible manner; on […]
Plans define a special relationship between people and the future. Plans attempt to anticipate the future and make life predictable and even controllable. A plan is predicated on both these premises while also awakening expectations that the goals it sets can be achieved and sustained. Such characteristics are shared equally by the business plans made in the corporate sector and the life plans made by individual people. Bets, on the other hand, are clearly recognized as assumptions and suppositions that always include the possibility that something else might happen quite different to what has been predicted. Bets are based on probabilities and possibilities. Someone making a bet is always well aware that they can lose, […]