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Special offer!
  • Attract the attention of over 15,000 top recruiters
  • Draw more recruiters to your profile
  • Access exclusive job ads offering annual salaries of €50,000 or more
  • Set who can see your jobseeker status
  • Have experts check your CV

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ProJobs add-on

Get found faster by top recruiters.

15,000 top headhunters on XING are constantly on the lookout for the right people for their vacancies. Thanks to additional details you can enter with the ProJobs add-on, you're more likely to be found by headhunters and receive more job offers.

Browse exclusive headhunter jobs.

ProJobs gives you exclusive access to top job offers from headhunters with annual salaries of over €50,000. These jobs are only shown to ProJobs users.

Showcase yourself even more professionally.

ProJobs lets you showcase yourself even more effectively among 160,000 employers on XING thanks to the additional details you can add to your profile.

You alone choose who can see your details.

ProJobs lets you specify who can see your jobseeker criteria and private details and who can't (e.g. your boss). That way you always retain full control over your data.

Call on the services of job application experts.

The CV COACH HR experts will check your CV and XING profile and provide you with free useful tips on how to improve them (in German), including all your ProJobs details.

Get expert advice from career coaches.

Our partner Rundstedt has career coaches on hand to assist you with any career-related questions you may have (in German). You can also receive training online in preparation for your next job interview. This service package is worth €249.

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