WORKSHOP 1 : 13:00 - 13:50 CEST
The 5 keys every manager should know about nonverbal communication
What kills organization today is not a question of profit strategy but internal conflicts. Covid crisis created a work environment of mistrust which has to be taken into consideration through interrelationship management. Conflicts and ego rivalry often provoked by misunderstanding come to poison even the most talented startups. This workshop will help you to avoid parasiting your communication for maybe what could be caused by fear or internal doubts but what could be interpreted as lies and manipulation by your audience.
Guila Clara Kessous UNESCO Ambassador

WORKSHOP 2 : 14:00 – 14:50 CEST
How Management Was Invented - A Closer Look at Peter Drucker's Pivotal Years
Studying Peter Drucker's life and work inevitably means learning about the history and formation of management as a proper discipline in the decades from the 1950s to the 1990s. In this special, dialogue-based workshop we will examine the last big interview with Drucker before his death, conducted by Yō Makino for the Nikkei newspaper in Japan, which reveals a lot about the formative years of both Drucker and management.
Dialogue partner:
Richard Brem Drucker expert
Yō Makino Drucker expert
Laura Walker President, Bennington College
David Bond Professor, Bennington College

WORKSHOP 3 : 15:00 – 15:50 CEST
Moving Project Management to the Next Level
In a world permeated by a permanent state of transformation and volatility, project management becomes the way organizations can effectively connect ideas to results. The concepts that used to be applicable in specific sectors like engineering, construction, and technology are now vital in all areas and different works inside organizations. In this session, you will understand that project management is not a discipline related only to large infrastructure and capital projects. It is a critical discipline and a tool for business to manage and implement transformation, new initiatives and innovation.
Ricardo Vargas Chief advocate in the project economy

WORKSHOP 4 : 16:00 – 16:50 CEST
Discovering and Leveraging Your Leadership Strengths
In Managing Oneself, Peter Drucker famously said that “only when you operate from strengths can you achieve true excellence.” Gallup research has demonstrated that when people discover and use their strengths, they are more productive, more engaged and report living better lives. The challenge is that people often take their most powerful talents for granted, and many are not fully aware of them.
In this session, we will help individuals understand how to discover, develop, and apply their strengths and the strengths of others for greater leadership effectiveness.
We’ll also look at how building a strengths-based culture can elevate performance and wellbeing for the whole organization.
Workshop Leader
Ruth Evers-Cacciapaglia Leadership Consultant and Executive Coach, Gallup

WORKSHOP 5 : 17:00 – 17:50 CEST
The Good, Bad, and Ugly State of Work
We are living through a profound transformation of the world of work – from the shift in employee expectations, to the rise of hybrid work, and to the installation of a permanent state of change. In this session, you will gain insights into the global state of employee work experience and how it influences wellbeing and performance. Using data covering 98% of the world’s population, we will explore the factors that influence behaviors at work, the role of leaders and managers, and actions organizational leaders need to take to create high-performing workplaces.
Pa Sinyan Managing Partner Europe, Gallup

MASTERCLASS 1 : 18:00 – 18:50 CEST
Organizational Purpose as a Source of Competitive Advantage
In this session we will explore exemplar firms (large and small) to uncover some of the ways in which they have turned the pursuit of purpose into a source of competitive advantage. In doing so we will also uncover some of the barriers that prevent them from pursuing purpose energetically and effectively. Going beyond traditional prescriptions for working with purpose, we will examine some of the key misconceptions most leaders have about the nature, scope, and value of purpose, as well as how best to define, communicate, embed, and sustain it. We will discuss how leaders think about and activate purpose, and in this way support a broader transformation, reimagining, and reform of contemporary business practices.
Ranjay Gulati, Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

MASTERCLASS 2 : 19:00 – 19:50 CEST
Addressing Drucker’s Management Challenge for the 21st Century: The Productivity of Knowledge Work
A long-time friend of the Drucker Forum, Roger Martin needs little introduction. In his latest book, he conducts a masterly deconstruction of the models that managers commonly – and unsuccessfully – use to address issues such as competition, use of data, culture, knowledge work, talent and M&A, and asks: isn’t there a better way? Here he will discuss his findings with David Champion, senior editor at HBR.
Dialogue partner
David Champion senior editor, HBR
Roger Martin Strategy advisor