ON JAN. 24, 2023

Vienna Center for Management Innovation

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Why the Vienna Center
for Management Innovation

Richard Straub


Societies around the world are now experiencing an intensely frustrating gap between their aspirations for change and their abilities to draw up and put into practice workable solutions. This anxiety in the face of mounting global problems translates to a widespread institutional challenge, with profound implications for private, public, and civic life.

Advances in human progress and prosperity depend on value creation – economic, social, political, cultural, and spiritual – by societal institutions. Among these necessary conditions, the economic value that businesses produce ranks high because it funds so many of the institutional and infrastructural underpinnings of modern societies. And like all these realms of value-creation, it is deeply human. Science and technology have essential contributions to make, but are not sufficient to solve problems on their own.

What else is needed to achieve value creation at scale? It is management – a “social technology,” as some have called it, that is key to collective human achievement. Peter Drucker, known today as the “father of modern management,” laid the foundations of the discipline over half a century ago. Now, more than two decades into the twenty-first century, daunting new problems – even existential challenges – suggest that we need a step change in productivity and innovation. In turn, this demands that we step up to the challenge of reimagining our organizations and institutions.

We must ask of ourselves: How can we advance the social technology of management – in practice as well as theory – to do more to solve the problems and overcome the challenges of our fast-changing world?


Speakers at the inauguration of the Vienna Center for Management Innovation on September 24 (2022)

SEPT 14, 2022


fotos by Ulrich Sperl