Prescience in the Modern World or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Wear a Helmet
by Bradley Andrews

The velvet curtain is drawn aside and you survey the room nervously while entering. The space is small and dim, lit only by soft candles emitting subtle aromas of sage. There is more purple velvet tapered to the wall, this time laced with small golden trim and accented with intricate embroidery. The air is warm, but not stuffy, and something about it seems intentionally messy. In the middle of the room sits a crystal ball. […]

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SHGs: The Underdogs enabling India’s Economic Recovery
by Abhishek Banerjee

India made a strong post-pandemic recovery, leapfrogging the UK to become the fifth largest economy in the world. This essay delves into the role that Self-Help Groups (SHGs) based in India played in achieving this remarkable turn-around. The unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic required a major reassessment of existing management principles and strategies. […]

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Human Centric Art of Storytelling by Yoshikuni Takashige

Storytelling, the art of developing narratives, is considered one of the most needed skills in business. This is because your stories enable your colleagues and customers to intuitively understand and resonate with new business ideas, marketing messages and future visions. Storytelling is a distinct act that humans only can do. But this one of a kind status is being challenged by evolving technologies. […]

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Creative Resilience: a call to action for leadership in an age of discontinuity
by Esther Clark

“A well-led enterprise can learn to survive deep blows and still surge forward,” states HBR’s Julia Kirby in her description of the theme for the 2023 Global Peter Drucker Forum, “Creative Resilience: Leading in an Age of Discontinuity”. Learning, survival, and forward movement are fundamental elements of well-led organisations. […]

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Re-building business resilience through creative innovation
by Omar Valdez-de-Leon & Erica Moreti

After the recent events like the pandemic and conflict in Europe, with supply chains still recovering and ebullient inflation, the economic outlook for businesses has become more challenging. We’ve seen the direct effects on businesses: (1) higher operational and capital costs; and (2) weaker demand as consumers rethink their spending patterns. A key question for business leaders: Is it possible to innovate to build resilience in an era where cheap money is no longer available? The answer: Yes. […]

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Feeling our way through the changing world of work
by Alex Adamopoulos

This March, Emergn hosted an executive breakfast in partnership with the Global Peter Drucker Forum, featuring London Business School’s eminent Lynda Gratton and her latest book, Redesigning Work: How to Transform Your Organization and Make Hybrid Work for Everyone. It was nearly three years to the day since the COVID-19 pandemic took its grip, offices emptied practically overnight, and much of the world went into various degrees of lockdown.[…]

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In Trust, We Thrive
by Terence Mauri

The relentless twin demands of executing for today while reimagining for tomorrow, mean that leaders are grappling with an accelerated phase of business disruption, with more than $41 trillion of enterprise value at risk. But is enough being done to strengthen trust and creative resilience, which I define as the curiosity to learn and the courage to unlearn? Learning helps us evolve and unlearning helps us as the world evolves. […]

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