Fifty years ago, there were few managers in the US or Japan who did not know the name Peter Drucker, and today there are even fewer whose work is unaffected by him—whether they are aware of it or not. Called the “father of management,” he did more than anyone in his time or since to help practicing executives come to grips with the challenges of complex organizations and the social and economic trends unfolding around them. While annually the Global Peter Drucker Forum honors this legacy by showcasing important new thinking by scholars and managers, there are some years when we find ourselves returning more than usual to Drucker’s own work. This is one of those years – a turbulent time when managers can especially use his insights and his uniquely powerful way of thinking about the world. A Day of Drucker is an opportunity to learn what Peter Drucker considered most important about managing in the midst of disruptive events, technological transformation, and increasingly knowledge-based economies – and to explore how well his answers respond to today’s burning questions. We’ll also learn about the influences that shaped him as a thinker, and in turn, the influence Drucker had on the lives and work of those who knew him.
JUNE 30, 2021
All times are Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Welcome and Glimpses of Content Ahead
Katharina Moser Online Experience Designer, Global Peter Drucker Forum
Angelica Kohlmann Chairman and CEO, Kohlmann & Co AG, and Drucker family member
Strategic Partners Statement
Sunil Prashara President and CEO, Project Management Institute
William Malek Senior Executive Director, Southeast Asia Innovation Management Research Center – a collaboration of Haier Group and the Southeast Asia Center (SEAC) focused on the Rendanheyi (RDHY) model
Richard Straub Founder and President, Global Peter Drucker Forum
Pre-recorded greetings
Jim Collins Bestselling author; Advisor to leaders
Drucker’s Most Enduring Ideas - Opening Salvos
Drucker is most known for his breakthrough thinking on management. Experts from a range of disciplines share the ideas that have had greatest impact.
Andrew Hill Management Editor, Financial Times
Peter Paschek Management consultant and author, Peter F. Drucker: Memories of a Conservative Christian Anarchist
Avivah Wittenberg-Cox Founder and CEO, 20-first
Santiago Iñiguez Executive President, IE University
Tammy Erickson Leadership educator, advisor, and author
Fredmund Malik Chairman Malik Group
Timo Meynhardt Dr. Arend Oetker Chair of Business Psychology and Leadership at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Claudia Peus Professor of Research and Science Management, TU Munich; Director, TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Breakout Discussions
Zoom-based participants divide into breakout groups to engage with ideas just presented
How Management Ideas have Impact: The Case of Drucker in Japan
Born in Vienna, based in America, Drucker had his earliest great impact in Japan. What made his thinking so relevant and readily embraced there? Is it still as valuable today?
Emi Makino Associate Professor, Hiroshima University, author, Innovation Makers, and friend to Doris Drucker, her mentor
Yoshi Takashige Chief Strategist Global Marketing, Fujitsu
Katsutoshi Fujita Founder and CEO, Project Initiative Co., and Author, Real Management Learned at the Drucker School
Kazuo Yano Fellow, Hitachi Ltd; CEO Happiness Planet
Yō Makino Journalist & Drucker expert
Thought Leaders Encounters
Thanigai Adhavan Muthusamy Business Analyst at re:ceeve, Drucker Challenge Winner 2016
Tammy Erickson Leadership Advisor; Expert on collaboration & innovation
Hongjun Wang Design Thinking Consultant Azuright Pte Ltd, Drucker Challenge Alumni
Alex Osterwalder Business theorist; Canvas model developer
An Appreciation of Influence
Drucker was deeply influenced by his early upbringing and by the events of a turbulent century. In turn, his influence on later generations of thinkers and doers has been profound.
Katharina Moser Online Experience Designer, Global Peter Drucker Forum
Richard Brem Senior Advisor Peter Drucker Society Europe
José Salibi Neto Cofounder, HSM Group, colleague to Drucker
Marshall Goldsmith Executive coach, best-selling author, colleague to Drucker
Music & Leadership
Bernhard Kerres Executive Coach connecting leadership & classical music
Musician: Christine J. Lee Cello
Thought Leaders Encounters
Rahaf Harfoush Digital anthropologist, member, National Digital Council of France, and Visiting Policy Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute
Don Tapscott CEO, The Tapscott Group Inc.; Co-founder & Executive Chairman, Blockchain Research Institute; Adjunct Professor, INSEAD; Chancellor, Trent University, and author
Taking Ideas forward: Next Generation Managers
Representatives of rising generations speak to how specific Drucker ideas and observations intrigued them. In what ways did they prove prescient (or not), and point the way to further exploration?
Karen Woodin-Rodriguez Executive coach, entrepreneur, and Drucker Challenge essayist
Mathis Bitton Student of philosophy and political theory, Yale University
Rahaf Harfoush Digital anthropologist, member, National Digital Council of France, and Visiting Policy Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute
Eric Kohlmann Associate, Kohlmann & Co AG, New York, Zurich
Prosper Yole Student, Writer & Project Manager from Nigeria (recorded)
The Path to High Performance
Raising performance was the point for Drucker, whether he was focusing on corporations’ value to society or the keys to “executive effectiveness.” Four thinkers offer provocative takes on how Drucker defined the successful organization—and the managers who would succeed best in it.
Julia Kirby Senior Editor, Harvard University Press, and Drucker Forum Ambassador
Adrian Wooldridge Political Editor and the“Bagehot” columnist, The Economist
Jenny Darroch Dean & Chair in Business Leadership, Farmer School of Business, Miami University, and author (with George Day and Stan Slater), A Tribute to Peter Drucker
Roger L. Martin Strategy advisor, author, former Dean of Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
Tal Ben-Shahar Positive psychology educator, author, and cofounder, Happiness Studies Academy
Thought Leaders Encounters
Esther Clark Executive Director of Marketing at Wey Education & Contributor to Forbes, Drucker Forum, WEF
Steve Blank Serial entrepreneur; Professor at Stanford
Yavnika Khanna Chief Impact Officer, Impactika Consulting & Drucker Challenge Mentor
John Hagel Faculty Member Singularity University
Zofia Barańska CEO at Blackbird, Crosscultural Trainer & Facilitator
Roger L. Martin Strategy Advisor; former Dean Martin Prosperity Institute
Learning to Think Like Drucker: Formative Encounters with the “Father of Management”
Those who worked directly with Drucker came away with more than an education in management theories. As several collaborators share here, they also learned to approach their own work and goals in new ways.
Eduardo P. Braun Leadership educator, Drucker Forum Conference Chair 2020
Rita Gunther McGrath Professor, Columbia Business School
Hermann Simon Founder and Honorary Chairman, Simon-Kucher & Partners
Danny Stern Founder, Stern Strategy Group, agent to Drucker as speaker and advisor
Philip Kotler “Father of modern Marketing”, Co-authored with P. Drucker The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization
Inspired Leaders: Putting Drucker Ideas into Action
Drucker’s work endures because it not only made sense to CEOs, it made a difference to their companies. Top executives highlight concepts central to their organizations’ success, and how they continually refresh and reinforce them
Bernie Jaworski Peter F. Drucker Chair in Management and the Liberal Arts, Drucker School of Management, Claremont Graduate University
Dinesh Paliwal Global Partner KKR, Board member Nestle, Raytheon Technologies and Miami University Board of Trustees
Ajay Patel President & CEO, SMA Inc.
Sara Mathew Chair of the Board, Freddie Mac
Rick Goings Chairman Emeritus Tupperware Brands
Management as a Liberal Art: A Tribute to Joe Maciariello
With Joseph Maciariello’s passing last year, we lost the leading steward of Drucker’s legacy, a gifted educator who not only counted Drucker as a friend and colleague at Claremont, but took his work much further in advocating for management to be understood and taught as a liberal art.
Karen Linkletter Director, Management as a Liberal Art Research Institute, and author (with J. Maciariello), Drucker’s Lost Art of Management
Patrick Maciariello Partner & COO, Compass Diversified, representing the Maciariello family
C. William “Bill” Pollard Chairman Emeritus, The ServiceMaster Company
Jean Lipman-Blumen Professor of Public Policy and Organizational Behavior, Claremont Graduate University
Byron Ramirez Professor of Economics and International Relations at CiAM, and Researcher at Management as a Liberal Arts Research Institute
The Monday Morning Imperative: Putting Thoughts into Action
“Plans are only good intentions,” Drucker emphasized, “unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.” After a full day of learning, some very special guests offer advice and perspectives on the tough but energizing work ahead.
Laurent Choain Chief People, Education & Culture Officer, Mazars
David E. Sprott Dean, Drucker School of Management, Claremont Graduate University
Charles Handy Social philosopher (recorded)
Vint Cerf VP and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
Post Scriptum
Following formal conclusion of program content, participants are invited to linger for rapporteurs’ summations of learnings. Links will also be provided to takeaways such as a Drucker bibliography and access to the Drucker interview videos online.
Raymond Hofmann Designer, management and organization systems; Associate, Drucker Society Europe
Wolfgang Lassl Associate Partner, Pure Management Group; Associate, Drucker Society Europe
Steve Denning Forbes contributor
Elizabeth Haas Edersheim TBD Author of The Definitive Drucker- Challenges for Tomorrow’s Executives
Bruce Rosenstein Author of Create your Future The Peter Drucker Way
Isabella Mader CEO, Excellence Institute
JUNE 29, 2021
Practising Management as a Liberal Art
Experimenting with Rendanheyi: The Pursuit of Zero Distance and Zero Approvals
Discovering and Leveraging Your Leadership Strengths
The MidLife ReThink: Unlocking Potential - Your Employees or Your Own
Taming Bias: Using Wicked Problem Solving to Make Better Decisions and Align Teams
Co-Creation Unveiled
State of the Global Workplace – Trends and Insights

Tal Ben-Shahar
Positive psychology educator, author, and cofounder, Happiness Studies Academy

Mathis Bitton
Student of philosophy and political theory, Yale University

Eduardo P. Braun
Leadership expert, consultant and author

Richard Brem
Senior Advisor, Peter Drucker Society Europe

Vint Cerf
VP and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google

Laurent Choain
Chief People, Education & Culture Officer, Mazars

Jim Collins
Bestselling author; Advisor to leaders (pre-recorded greetings)

Jenny Darroch
Dean, Chair in Business Leadership, Professor of Marketing, Farmer School of Business, Miami University

Steve Denning
Forbes contributor

Elizabeth Haas Edersheim
Adjunct Professor, NYU Tisch Institute

Tamara J. Erickson
Leadership Advisor; top ranked management thinker, T50

Katsutoshi Fujita
Founder and CEO, Project Initiative Co

Rick Goings
Chairman Emeritus Tupperware Brands

Marshall Goldsmith
Executive Leadership Coach

Rita Gunther McGrath
Professor, Columbia Business School

Charles Handy
Social Philosopher

Rahaf Harfoush
Digital Anthropologist: Member of France’s National Digital Council; Visiting Policy Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute

Andrew Hill
Management Editor, Financial Times

Raymond Hofmann
Management & Organisation Designer; Drucker Society Associate

Santiago Iñiguez de Ozoño
Executive President, IE University

Bernard Jaworski
Peter F. Drucker Chair in Management and the Liberal Arts, Drucker School of Management

Bernhard Kerres
Executive Coach connecting leadership & classical music

Julia Kirby
Senior Editor, Harvard University Press

Angelica Kohlmann
Chairman Kohlmann & Co. and member of the Drucker family

Eric Kohlmann
Associate, Kohlmann & Co AG, New York, Zurich

Philip Kotler
Professor Emeritus of Marketing, Kellogg School of Management

Wolfgang Lassl
Associate Partner, Pure Management Group; Associate, Drucker Society Europe

Christine J. Lee
Musician, Cello

Karen Linkletter
Acting Research Director, Joseph A. Maciariello Management as a Liberal Arts Research Institute

Jean Lipman-Blumen
Professor of Public Policy and Organizational Behavior,
Claremont Graduate University

Patrick A. Maciariello
Partner & COO, Compass Diversified

Isabella Mader
CEO, Excellence Institute

Emi Makino
Associate Professor, Startup Initiatives Division, Dept of Academia-Gov’t Industry Collaboration, Hiroshima University

Yō Makino
Journalist & Drucker expert

William Malek
Senior Executive Director, Rendanheyi Innovation Management Research Center (Rendanheyi IMRC)

Fredmund Malik
Chairman Malik Group

Roger L. Martin
Strategy Advisor, former Dean Rotman School of Management

Sara Mathew
Chair of the Board, Freddie Mac

Katharina Moser
Online Experience Designer, Global Peter Drucker Forum

Timo Meynhardt
Dr. Arend Oetker Chair of Business Psychology & Leadership, HHL Leipzig

Dinesh Paliwal
Global Partner KKR, Board member Nestle, Raytheon Technologies and Miami University Board of Trustees

Peter Paschek
Management Consultant

Claudia Peus
Professor of Research and Science Mgmt., TUM
Exec. VP for Talent Mgmt., TUM
Funding director, TUM Institute for Life Long Learning

C. William “Bill” Pollard
Chairman Emeritus, The ServiceMaster Company

Sunil Prashara
President and CEO, Project Management Institute

Byron Ramirez
Professor of Economics and International Relations at CiAM, and Researcher at Management as a Liberal Arts Research Institute

Bruce Rosenstein
Managing Editor, Leader to Leader

José Salibi Neto
Co-founder, HSM Group and author; worked for 14 years with P. Drucker

David E. Sprott
Dean, Drucker School of Management, Claremont Graduate University

Hermann Simon
Founder and Honorary Chairman, Simon-Kucher & Partners

Daniel R. Stern
Managing Director, Stern Speakers

Richard Straub
Founder and President, Global Peter Drucker Forum

Yoshikuni Takashige
Chief Strategist Global Marketing, Fujitsu Ltd.

Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
Founder and CEO, 20-first

Karen Woodin Rodríguez
Executive coach, entrepreneur, and Drucker Challenge essayist

Adrian Wooldridge
Political editor and 'Bagehot' columnist, The Economist

Kazuo Yano
Fellow, Hitachi Ltd; CEO Happiness Planet

Prosper Yole
Student, Writer & Project Manager from Nigeria

Zofia Barańska
CEO at Blackbird (, Crosscultural Trainer & Facilitator

Esther Clark
Executive Director of Marketing at Wey Education & Contributor to Forbes, Drucker Forum, WEF

Rahaf Harfoush
Digital anthropologist, member, National Digital Council of France, and Visiting Policy Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute

Christine Jama
Online Experience and Partnerships, Global Peter Drucker Forum

Yavnika Khanna
Chief Impact Officer, Impactika Consulting & Drucker Challenge Mentor

Cornelius Müller
Student and Conversation Lounge Host

Thanigai Adhavan Muthusamy
Business Analyst at re:ceeve, Drucker Challenge Winner 2016

Elena Stelzig
Founder & Consultant at Circular Co-Creation, Conference Harvest Host

Hongjun Wang
Design Thinking Consultant Azuright Pte Ltd, Drucker Challenge Alumni